A divorce is a costly undertaking. It is also stressful. It is a strain on the emotions for both people in the divorce. Even if people are good at hiding their true feelings about the divorce. Only when both people can agree that their marriage cannot be saved is an uncontested divorce an option… For personal reasons, the uncontested divorce indicates that both spouses wish to end the marriage. If this is the case, you need to file uncontested divorce papers at the local courthouse.
The uncontested divorce is the simplest form of divorce. The reason is because the uncontested divorce indicates that both parties agree that the marriage is over, and cannot be saved. Only when one of the two people involved refuses to consent to a divorce, is the divorce no longer in the uncontested category. To make things work out, attempt to work with the other person in a calm manner.

Getting The Proper Assistance
When you file a petition for an uncontested divorce, and both of you have reached a settlement agreement, there are still instances where this does not work out in the end. Sometimes the reason is because on person is frightened about moving forward with the divorce without legal assistance. Emotions can run very high. In this case, it might be the right thing to do to hire a lawyer for your case. If you can manage to keep the uncontested divorce, it will save you both a lot of hassle and money. The fees that most attorneys charge are between one thousand to fifteen hundred dollars for a simple uncontested divorce.
Things can change suddenly. The other person becomes angry and wants to change the terms of the settlement. This means that the divorce is no longer uncontested, and this will make the cost of the divorce very expensive… The process for the average uncontested divorce lasts about ninety days. This is true if all aspects of the case are in order, and all goes according to plan. If not, a contested divorce case can last for up to two years or more. Each divorce case is different. Because you never really know what the other person might do, it is always best to remain prepared. Especially when children are involved because it can get ugly then. Another thing to think about when going through divorce is which parent really is fit to take care of the child. Dead beat dads and moms are at highs and the child is directly affected by their actions. So how can you insure that you win your custody battle? Well the truth is that you can’t. The only thing you can do is prepare yourself and educate yourself to help you and your child out.
If you know what is best for your child then you must do everything you can to ensure that his or her life will be ok. Do you know how a basic trial works and what will discredit yourself or your spouse in court? Do you know what you are entitled to under the law? Most people do not know this information and it could very well hurt them.
Work to make sure that your divorce does not end up in a major court battle.
Author Bio
Ilena is a home make and a blogger who is actively involved in discussion n Internet related to cohabitation agreement.