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How India Is Trying To Control It’s Population

IndiaCountries such as China and India are developing and growing at a fast clip, and so are their populations.
China has managed to control its population by enforcing a one child per family policy,
but India’s populated growth is unabated.
It touched one billion in May 2000 – By May 2013, it has crossed 1.24 billion,
and it is expected to touch 2 billion by 2020.
China’s current population (May 2013) is 1.34 billion, and it will grow to 1.38 billion by 2020,which is a moderate and manageable growth.
To its credit, India woke up much earlier to the challenges of population growth, but could not do anything about it.
Way back in 1950, it introduced vasectomy in its National Family Welfare Program,
but it was a nonstarter thanks to socio-cultural reasons, lack of communication, misconceptions, and bad planning.
Unlike in India, people in China regard vasectomy as a permanent contraception solution – and vasectomy is well-accepted in China.

World Population by 2020: Challenges For India

The world’s population is expected to grow to 7.7 billion by 2020 and China and India will host about 44% on their limited land mass.
India’s land is just 2.5% of global land mass and it will in no way grow by 2020 – but by 2020, this small area will hold about 26% of the world’s population.
A rising population, particularly in India, can have disastrous consequences.
Inequality of income can lead to civil war, child mortality will rise, the number of malnourished people will dramatically increase, sanitation will be flushed down the drain, the number of uneducated people will rise, so will pollution, medical care will suffer, etc., and etc.
Vasectomy can be a boon for India and other developing nations where populations are increasing without any control.
However, Indians consider vasectomy to be an evil and there lies the problem.
As long as India’s population keeps growing, the number of people born with an “uncertain future” will keep increasing.
Vasectomy is a major part of the solution, but Indian politicians are afraid to impose it mainly because people will vote against any government that introduces such a policy.
It does seem that sooner than later, the ruling government (whatever party it may be) will have to bite the bullet because according to estimates,
the population growth in India will not stabilize till 2060, by which time it will be too late for the country to undo the damage.

Vasectomies And Reverse Vasectomies, And Summing Up

Vasectomy involves cutting the vas deferens, the tubes that transport the sperm. It is a safe form of permanent contraception that can be easily reversed.
If vasectomy is enforced in India, and if vasectomized Indians want to go back and undo their vasectomy, they can opt for a vasectomy reversal.
A reverse vasectomy procedure is mostly performed using a surgeon’s microscope, which magnifies the vas deferens by about 25 times, and this factor ensures that all operations are successful.
But a reversal comes later. What about now? Will Indian rulers allow the population to grow unabated without imposing vasectomy and other family planning procedures?
If they do, then India is sitting on a ticking time bomb.

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License: Royalty Free or iStock
Edmond R. Lee is a blogger and activist living near Winooski, Vermont.

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