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Pregnancy And Pest Control — How To Avoid Exposure

If you are pregnant, it is a must to take extra care of yourself and your baby. So, you must keep away from anything that could be detrimental to your health and to your baby’s safety, and this includes avoiding exposure to dangerous chemicals such as pesticides. But sometimes, there is really a need for you to call pest control experts because of a bad infestation.
In case your home needs to be treated, you should also think up of ways on how to avoid exposure. So, what should you do once the pest control people arrive at your house? Here are a few tips on how to be safer from pesticides while pregnant.


— Ask the pest control worker to only apply chemicals outdoors. This will limit your exposure to the chemicals. You also won’t have to overly worry about your things getting contaminated. Just make sure to close doors and windows so that fumes won’t be able to penetrate your home. Still, try to stay away while the treatment is being done.
— Stay away during application. It’s natural for pregnant women to feel tired all the time. So, you probably just want to stay home, take a nap or watch television. However, once the pest control people arrive, make yourself scarce. Go to the mall for a couple of hours or visit a family or friend.
Although many pest control companies say that they are using safe chemicals, you should never take risks. Always opt for the safest alternative. By staying away from home, you limit your exposure to pesticides.
— Inform the pest control company about your pregnancy. It’s important for you to tell the people that does your pest control about your current condition. This way, they can make adjustments regarding treatments and schedules. Some companies even change the type of chemicals that they use in order to reduce danger in case of exposure.
— Have someone clean up after a pesticide application. It is important that pesticides are cleaned thoroughly especially if a treatment was done inside a house. Chemical remains must be completely wiped off to reduce possibility of skin contact since many kinds of pesticides are readily absorbed through the skin.
Hence, surfaces must be cleaned, and items that are used for cooking and eating must be washed as well.
— Find a temporary place if your home is regularly being treated for a severe infestation. It is better for your wellbeing and your growing baby’s health too if you find a temporary place to stay if your home is being continuously treated. This reduces your exposure to chemicals that could still be in the air or on surfaces.
— Don’t allow shoes inside your home. If chemicals are being applied to your yard or garden or if you are using fertilizers or herbicides, then don’t allow people to wear their shoes inside your house. It’s possible for pesticides to become attached on the soles of shoes, and by limiting or prohibiting these things inside your home, you also reduce the possibility of exposure.
Remember that many kinds of chemicals leave residues that will continue to affect health for several years.
— In case of exposure, contact your doctor as soon as possible. If an accident occurred and you were exposed to a dangerous chemical, consult your OB-GYN immediately even if you are not experiencing any untoward physical symptoms. Some chemicals won’t bring about adverse reactions on adults but these could be severely detrimental to fetal health.

  • Marc van der Chijs. “Spraying our garden with insecticide”. June 25, 2012. Online image. Flickr. July 2, 2013.
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Claire Brent is a freelancer who has written hundreds of articles for the internet. She often blogs about Corona Pest Control and other issues regarding pest management.

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