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5 Awesome SEO TOOLS

SEO Tools that are awesome do one thing right: increase your web rankings. By now you probably realize having a high ranking page rank has nothing to do with luck and everything to do with the right system. Here are a few awesome SEO tools you can use to get ahead of the game no matter what stage your website is in.
1. Omnistar Affiliate
Omnistar Affiliate provides a great affliate software that you can use for your business. The great thing about affiliate programs is that they are good for link building. When you have an affiliate program, you will have affiliates promoting your website all over the internet and all these links will be pointing back to your site. Having different sites and blogs with links pointing back to your site is great for your SEO and it will not only help you rank better but it will also increase your sales.
2. Keyword Research by Google Adwords
One of the most important aspects of SEO campaigns is choice of keywords. Selecting keywords that are strong enough to compete will assist you not only to rank in the search engines higher but also to efficiently optimize your content. This is why for the keywords you plan to target; you need to begin with accurate research.
You might already have some keywords in mind which you can use easily for compiling your own lists. On the other hand, you need to search accurately for the ones you actually plan on targeting. To compile your own list you may already have some words in mind you plan to target. On the other hand to check to see if the keywords you plan to use are actually being utilized in search engines, and to see how many people are actually doing a search for these, you will need to use the Keyword Research tool from Google AdWords.
3. Page Authority
If you are wondering how to estimate how well a single page ranks, Page Authority is able to predict this no matter what the content is. The higher the authority of the page, the more potential it has to rank high in the results of a search. Page Authority is scored on a logarithmic one hundred-point scale, making it easier to grow scores from twenty to thirty rather than from seventy to eighty. To calculate the authority of your pages, this tool updates the utilized algorithm continuously.
4. Link Manager by Raven Tools
If you are looking for a set of tools such as one which includes advertising tools, social media tools and SEO tools, then Raven tools is the one for you. For example, one tool Raven features is their Link Manager. This is a database management tool that lets you save links or pages that you want and for following up, assigns tags. How many times have you found a page thinking that it has great potential for building links with and then quickly forgot this? Link Manager helps you remember. One of this tool’s best features is the notifications of change-to-link that it provides. It also assigns tags and links for follow up to one individual.
5. SEO Powersuite
SEO Powersuite works on Linux, Mac OS X and Windows. This software for SEO is a platform that runs well equally for users with Macintosh or Win PC computers and even for fans of Linux. The software is kept up to date and there is no change in the searches that does not go unnoticed when you use this tool.
Using these five awesome tools will help all your seo efforts.
Article writen by Mark Jones of OSI Affiliate Software.

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