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Is White Mold Dangerous to Me

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When you hear people talking about mold problems, more likely than not, they are talking about toxic black mold. This type of mold is both allergenic and toxic to humans and pets and should be removed as soon as possible. Consult this article to learn why

However, there are many, many kinds of mold, all of which are to some degree invasive and problematic to have in your home. One of those is white mold. If you don’t know anything about it, and you feel like you should, read on.

What Does White Mold Look Like

Well, for one, it’s white because there is no pigment in it. However, if you are looking for typical mold patterns, you may not even notice white mold, because it is very different from anything we have learned to associate with mold. The most likely form you will find white mold is a white powder on the surfaces of your home.

However, this definition is a bit problematic, because there are a few other things which can match that description, like mildew (which you should also have removed), or some salt or other material buildup. Even though mildew is not as dangerous as mold, it is still a precursor of a mold infestation and can cause some adverse allergic reactions.

When it comes to other white powdery materials, it is fairly easy to distinguish them from the mold. Simply spray it with water and if it disappears, it was just salt. White mold, on the other hand, will remain visible because it runs much deeper in the wall. If you want to be sure, have a sample tested by a professional mold removal company.

Is White Mold Dangerous

Just like black mold, white mold can have a serious negative effect on your health. All molds have spores flying through the air, which can cause allergic reaction and issues for people with respiratory problems. However, white mold can affect a lot more. The redness of the eyes, dizziness, and frequent headaches can be associated with white mold problems. Prolonged exposure to white mold, just like with black mold, can seriously affect your mood and even be a source of depression.

If you have found white mold in your house, and you or your loved ones have been experiencing any of these symptoms, you should probably contact your doctor and tell them about it to get treatment if necessary.

White Mold Removal

If you catch the problem in time, and the infestation has not spread, you may be able to remove the mold yourself. However, due to the elusive nature of white mold, that’s not very likely. Instead, you should contact a mold removal company.

Mold removal companies have all the necessary equipment and plenty of experience to deal with the persistent problem that is mold. Mold can be quite tricky to remove and has the potential to return, which is why it is important that the job is done meticulously and thoroughly.

Can I prevent an Infestation from Happening or Returning?

Whether you have had mold problems in the past, or you want to act preemptively, there are a few things which could do to prevent mold growth. The first and foremost is controlling the amount of moisture in your home. Mold needs water, so if you make sure that there’s no superfluous moisture in your air and particularly on your walls and hidden areas.

Other than that, keeping your house well maintained and repairing any leaks or flooding issues should be enough to keep you home safe from any kind of mold, including white mold.

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