Promotional products are the essential part for company’s advertising scheme. Printing your logo on pens, mouse pads, and candy bars, and giving them out to the most loyal customers is a great way to show your appreciation. Interesting and useful promotional products also increase brand awareness, attract new clients and grow your business on the long run. In this article we’ll share tips that will help you to create an effective promotional product that will serve as the best commercial for your business.

Good promotional products need to be useful for their recipients. An item on which you are going to place your company logo, should be the type of product your ideal customers use every day. Many entrepreneurs don’t follow this rule, so their promotional merchandise goes to junk the moment after consumers return from some trade fair. For example, bottle opener is a great promotional product for brewing companies, while branded plastic containers are an ideal addition to pack of white cheese.
Companies should also focus on products that have long term value because they will keep company’s name in consumers’ minds for a very long time. That’s why good quality branded tee-shirts or custom promotional usb drives are always the perfect promotional gifts.

Design Consideration
Many entrepreneurs think that a bigger company logo will improve promotional products’ effectiveness. Instead, they should try to create an original and memorable product design. Promotional products’ design is as important as the design of regular products from company’s stock. It spreads the word about company’s good taste and improves brand’s market image.

Enforced Brand Relevance
Promotional product should help its recipients to remember what the giving company does. The product you choose needs to be relevant to your business niche. On one music festival I saw telephone company promoters giving out free SIM cards, with a minimal amount of minutes and megabytes on them. This is one of those perfect gifts that are both useful and relevant to company’s niche and mission statement. They allow consumers to call their friends and family and share their great moments, while building their brand authority and recognition at the same time.

Promotion Beforehand
Entrepreneurs need to invest more time and money in organization of promotional giveaways. Although giveaways can be organized as PR stunts, it’s much better to announce these events to all of your social media followers and specify date, time and place. You can consider this as a special sort of audience targeting, because your promotional products will be handed to people who care about them, and who will use them in the future. You can also hand over your promotional products in company’s location based stores. This way you will target the consumers who are interested in what you have to offer.
Promotional products can also serve as a powerful motivation for customer content generation and word-to-mouth marketing. You can promise a gift to customers who write your product reviews or to social media fans who agree to share your offer on their news feed. This way promotional products will provide much better ROI.
Using promotional products to advertise your business is a great idea, but you always need to stick to the above written criteria. Every branded gift should be useful, relevant to your brand and well-designed. Since in most cases promotional products are being borrowed and shared, they can act as a referral to other people who might start using your company’s services or products.