After a large decline in sales, THQ is actively seeking a buyer while they undergo Chapter 11 bankruptcy. According to a bankruptcy attorney Joel R. Glucksman, “[THQ] saw sales decline after veering away from its children’s game division, and instead is now focusing more heavily on teen and adult games. In addition, the company saw severe second-quarter losses, which equaled more than half of its remaining cash.” THQ will continue producing games while going through the bankruptcy process, including Metro: Last Light, the much-anticipated South Park: The Stick of Truth and their very popular WWE franchise.

Ubisoft Rumore
Shortly after the news broke, rumors began to surface that Ubisoft is interested in purchasing THQ. Ubisoft, a video game publisher based in France, has produced some of the biggest hits during this console generation, including 2012’s Assassin’s Creed III and Far Cry 3. With a company like Ubisoft potentially taking over THQ’s properties, this could mean big things for the gaming industry, especially in the sports arena.
Ubisoft Could Make WWE Games Even Better
Ubisoft has a sterling track record when it comes to making quality games, yet they don’t have any sports titles. By purchasing THQ, they would become the owners of THQ’s WWE titles and could continue producing them. THQ has a monopoly of sorts with the WWE games, and that would mean good news for Ubisoft if they continued making the games. This would allow them to jump in to the sports video game market with an already established franchise, a franchise that they could make even more popular.
Ubisoft’s Potential Success With WWE Could Spell Bad News For EA Sports
Make no mistake, gamers have a lot of problems with publishing behemoth Electronic Arts. EA has a monopoly on NFL games with their Madden franchise, a series that has grown stale in the eyes of many gamers. This exclusive rights deal that EA struck with the NFL in 2005 (a deal that netted them an anti-trust lawsuit in 2008) might come to end if Ubisoft makes a huge splash in the sports market with the WWE series. Hypothetically speaking, the NFL could notice just how successful Ubisoft is with their newly acquired sports franchise and seek to branch out instead of just allowing EA to make their football games.
Why This Is a Good Thing For Gaming
In our market society, choice is a good thing. Gamers have been subject to a declining sports franchise with EA’s Madden, and with Ubisoft possibly being able to see huge success in the sports market this could change. Not only would the WWE series be revitalized with Ubisoft’s star developers, but they could have the chance to create quality NFL titles that rival or exceed EA’s Madden series. Let the games begin.
Image Credit: THQ Insider
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Derek enjoys blogging about competitive gaming and video games. He also enjoys writing reviews for newly released games. The article above is for new jersey bankruptcy attorney.