Internet browsers oftentimes lament the fact that sourcing news and information can be a tedious task. The unfathomable depths of the Internet and the billions upon billions of pages of data make it somewhat complex to find precisely that information that is relevant to your needs. It helps therefore, when you’re able to pull information from the Internet that meets your expectations. The ever-changing global landscape and the wealth of stories that have made their way to the front of the line can create a degree of fuzz when you’re searching for specific content.
There are various software programs which claim to be able to simplify your web browsing experience. To date, only one guarantees that you will get precisely the news and information that you’re searching for at the click of a button. The name of this software is startpage. If you’re looking for an exciting way to enjoy dynamic tracking of your interests, you have found it.
Easy on the Eye And Effective All the Way
A cursory glance at the newspaper-styled homepage reveals a rather simplified and easy-to-use program. Fortunately, the inner mechanics behind the development of this highly intelligent software stay in the background so that ease-of-use is maximized. With Genieo software, complex mathematical algorithms work tirelessly in sync with your needs and preferences to bring you news and information that is relevant to you, important to you and of interest to you.

Whether you’re interested in the latest movements in the financial markets, updates from sporting fixtures, breaking news headlines or social media updates – Genieo is your ticket to personalized, updated and relevant news and information. There are many exciting features available with this newspaper-styled homepage. These include being able to access your very own newspaper courtesy of your iPad, Android or iPhone. You’re able to follow only those posts that you wish to see from social media networks (Twitter, G +, Facebook), and visit websites that are of interest to you.