If you are in a profession that sells any sort of services offline, then this article can be really beneficial for you. Selling services cannot be easy as it does not offer any physical product that you can show to your customers. For example, if you are designing a website, a logo or writing content, then you can only impress your customer when you have finally performed that service. This makes it difficult to promote your services to interested prospects. An interesting and easy way to impress your customers is by creating a service selling website using WordPress. And, if you already have a WordPress website and want to include service selling aspect to it, you can also do so easily with the help of a dedicated plugin for the purpose.
Using WordPress to Sell Your Services Online
Wondering why use WordPress to sell your services online?
WordPress is the most popular and flexible platform that currently powers nearly 27% of all websites. Not only it allows you to set up a website of your own but also gives you the power to extend its functionality to selling services and digital products as well.
Moreover, WordPress is endlessly customizable as it offers a wide variety of themes and plugins that can be used to extend the functionality and design of your website. This platform is also very much affordable and doesn’t require you to be aware of coding.
How To Easily Sell Services With WordPress?

Now that you have chosen WordPress as your desired platform to sell services, let us move forward with setting up a website that lets you sell services in an engaging and professional manner.
One of the easiest ways to sell services online with WordPress is by using WooCommerce plugin and its dedicated add-on Woo Sell Services. WooCommerce is the most popular eCommerce plugin that offers features to sell any type of product from your WordPress website. It offers features like adding unlimited products, unrestricted customizations, built-in payment processing, shipping options and more.
WooCommerce is the base plugin that you will need to sell any type of product online. However, this plugin does not offer many features when it comes to selling services online. You can simply list your services and allow your customers to contact you via a contact form which is not very much favorable as it does not offer many features of selling services online. To overcome this, you can install a dedicated WooCommerce add-on that will let you display and sell services effectively from your WordPress website along with many useful features.
About Woo Sell Services

Woo Sell Services is a dedicated WooCommerce add-on that lets you sell services online from the WordPress website just like a product is sold. This add-on creates a new product type called “Service” in the Add Product Page which once selected lets vendors list his services just like a product along with options like estimated service days.

This addon apart from default WooCommerce features also allows a vendor to add product-related requirement questions that he needs his customers to fulfill for an order to start. For example, if a vendor has to design a website, he will require website login details, which he can ask via the requirement section offered by the plugin on the product page itself.

Moreover, this add-on offers a dedicated conversation channel for vendors and customers where they can converse in real-time instead of resorting to emails for asking any queries.
Other features of this plugin include:
Manage Services In A Table

Woo Sell Services apart from letting you sell services online, also lets you manage all the services in a tabular format. A vendor can view and manage all his services in this service tab. Similarly, a customer can also manage all his orders via the Manage Service section.
Email Triggers And Notifications For Orders:

Woo Sell Services add-on also allows both vendor and customers to receive emails and notifications for every action such as:
- Any Service Purchased
- Any Requirements that have been fulfilled
- Each Order Status
- On Each Conversation Trigger
Adding Ratings and Reviews

Ratings and reviews play a very important role in letting your prospective clients know about your service. Woo Sell Services allows your vendors and customers to rate and review each other just like Upwork. You can also sync these reviews with WooCommerce ratings and reviews.
Final Delivery Checkbox

Woo Sell Services also offers a final delivery checkbox to both the vendor and customer in order to mark a delivery as final. Once marked as final by the vendor, the delivery is sent to the customer by approval. A customer once satisfied can accept the final delivery by checking the final delivery checkbox. A vendor can also attach a file with his final delivery that a customer can download.
If you also want to create a multivendor marketplace for selling services that involve more than one vendor, you can install WC Vendors or Dokan Multivendor Marketplace plugin to do so as both these plugins are compatible with WooCommerce and Woo Sell Services.
Start Selling Services With Full Ease
As discussed earlier, if you already own a WooCommerce website, you can start selling service just by installing Woo Sell Services addon as it offers dedicated compatibility with WooCommerce. Moreover, if you have an EDD store and wish to sell digital services online, you can install another dedicated addon called EDD Sell Services which allows you to sell service easily from your EDD store. Thus, selling services from your WordPress website can be the easiest and simplest way to gain more prospective customers online. So Start Selling Services Online With Full Ease And Take Your Business To New Heights!!