Recycled products are getting popular these days. It is a way of saving environment and planet. Controlling the usage of plastic bags with harmful chemicals, world has already taken first step to treat many problems. Many grocery stores are providing paper bags to stop plastic usage. Some of them are also giving discounts if you bring your own bag for shopping. However, we are forgetting that paper bags might control manufacture of plastic but it increases slaughtering of trees.
It takes years for a tree to get mature but it doesn’t even take minutes for us to cut it down simply to add convenience in our life. That is why it is better to switch to non woven items that are reusable and durable as well. Non woven reusable bags are made using chemicals and glue. They are compressed with pressure to get the desired shape. It is easy to dye this material, so you can make use of different designs and colors to get an exclusive look.
If you desire to buy online then there are many stores selling reusable bags. However, one online store that manufactures bags from plastic bottle and waste material is Custom Earth Promos. It is an environmentally friendly company that is situated is Florida, US. They have everything from bags, umbrellas, seed papers, bottles etc., and all are reusable items. They also customize items keeping customers as priority.
Here are few benefits of non woven reusable bags –
- Economy
- Durable
- Brand promotion
- Eco friendly
Non woven bags are economical as it is manufactured without the hassle of weaving so they are provided in cheaper price. This makes it beneficial for businesses to buy in bulk. Moreover, when these bags are reused by consumers, it limits the production as well, which also curtails expenses of fuel and man power.
Non woven bags are made of cotton, which is durable and strong. Even if you rewash it, the threads don’t get damaged. They can carry heavy items and are prepared in such a way that they last for more than 5 years. Plastic bags are made thin, so as to save the manufacturing cost. This makes them unsafe to carry heavy items because anytime the strings can break spilling all items on the floor. Preparing plastic bags is cheaper than cotton bags but when you reuse cotton bags, you limit manufacturing of this item.
Brand Promotion
It is easy to print anything on cotton fabric instead of plastic. This makes it beneficial for businesses as they get non woven bags inexpensive and that too with their brand logo on it. When people carry your brand’s shopping bag, it attracts many others and that’s how your brand name spreads.
Eco Friendly
They are environmentally friendly because cotton is biodegradable and can be burned without producing harmful chemicals like plastic. This means after five years when you get bored with your bag then you can send it to recycling company and they will produce something out of it. It isn’t necessary that a shopping bag is recycled back to another bag but the fabric is used to prepare anything like car seat, cushions, etc.
If we start analyzing, we will see that cotton bags are more beneficial than plastic bags. Since people are also getting aware of waste created by plastic, therefore plastic has developed a poor image.