Do you fancy learning a new language? Or do you fancy a change of career or even a new destination to visit? Go for a language, it’s the most amazing skill to have. Whether it’s French, Spanish, Mandarin or Russian. How do you go about learning it I hear you ask? Well you have plenty of options, but the most popular are a college course or home learning – stuck between which one to pick? Take a look at the advantages to home learning:
A clear advantage of distance learning is the significantly enhanced level of flexibility when compared to traditional courses. Rather than being tied to academic term dates – which might mean waiting almost a whole year should an enrolment deadline be missed – distance learning can usually start at any time.
If the idea of going back into a classroom is daunting then you’re not alone. In fact, many people feel that they don’t like to contribute in a class discussion as they are worried about feeling embarrassed if they get the answer wrong. This means that many people find confidence can be a real issue in inhibiting adult learning, which can be easily addressed by taking study out of the classroom environment.
No Deadlines
With distance learning, you work at your own pace and you can spend as many or as little hours as you want on it per week. This means that if other areas of your life suddenly demand more attention – such as job hunting or increased commitments at work – then you can simply put your work on hold and return to them when things have calmed down making it very hand for those with young children!

Just to play devil’s advocate…here are some of the advantages to college courses:
By enrolling in a college course you have the safety of going to a class and having the support from other people who are trying to learn the same course as you who also might be struggling with the same things you are. Not only will you be able to discuss your problems without being judges you may also make a new social circle of friends.
There is a certain comfort by knowing that if you are stuck on your homework you are going into college in a few days and you are able to find out the answer. Not only that but your tutor may be able to understand what you are struggling with and set you specific homework accordingly. This could make your learning progression easier and quicker.
Qualification + Progression
Once you are nearing the end of your college course you may be coming up to taking some form of exam to say that you can read/write/speak in a language to a certain level. This mean that with a college you may get a more well-known qualification – your teachers will also not submit you if they don’t think you are ready, giving you that extra bit of confidence. Compared to distance learning because people cannot actually hear you pronounce the words. If you are looking for a course local to you, search for whatever language you are after with the words ‘tuition centres’ into google and you should find ones local to you. Whatever way you decide to learn a language remember there is nothing better than being immersed in the native language. If you get a chance to visit the country then go!