Are you a single guy looking to meet single women? It can be difficult to meet women and it can be even more difficult trying to figure out where to meet women and not look like creepy. What do I mean by creepy? If you aren’t a smooth talker, you don’t want to start hitting on a woman in a doctor’s office or at the DMV. If you’re normally a shy kind of guy, approaching a woman could be a little awkward and it could just be a disaster. Luckily there are free dating sites for you to meet women. Some of these dating sites offer dating tips for men and women on how to meet people online. For shy fellas, it takes a lot of guess work out of trying to know where to meet women, how to approach a woman, and how to sweep her off her feet.

One particular aspect that you may find appealing about joining one of the free dating sites is that you can talk to many women that you normally wouldn’t be able to. Women can be just as superficial as men are and if you aren’t a young George Clooney, you may get looked over when you’re out in a public setting. If you meet women online, you can win them over with your charm and humor. When you join one of these dating sites, you will have to fill out a profile and you can upload a picture. The picture isn’t always required, but you’ll be able to attract more matches that way.
In your profile, you will want to talk about yourself. Share some of your interests, your life’s ambitions, and some of your experiences. Keep your profile interesting and engaging. Remember that you are looking to attract single women, not scare them off. If you’re into kinky sex or some extreme sport like ultimate fighting and you and the boys go out every Friday to engage in cage fighting—you may want to omit that from your profile. You can disclose this information after you get to know them.
When you’re trying to meet women online, be respectful. Women don’t respond well to pick up calls or lewd comments and overt sexual messages asking for naked pictures and inappropriate things like that. Women like a man who is eloquent, who is respectful, and has a good head on his shoulders. Also, just as you don’t want a crazy woman with a lot of baggage; single women want a man who doesn’t have baggage either. While it won’t matter in the beginning stages of meeting women online, if you happen to form a connection with a lady, you will want to disclose any history that you think may hurt your relationship further down the road. This includes things like crazy exes or criminal offenses. These won’t necessarily make you seem like a bad guy, but a woman may be a little cautious when getting to know you. You don’t want to be defined by your past, and neither does she.
By Rachel Blais, CheekyLovers Community Manager