The person as a source of bacteria responsible for food poisoning is divided into two different group origin or sources that come from the environment such as water and soil as well as body fluids.
Prevention of environmental contamination sources
It is important to establish good manufacturing practices in the food industry, and at all levels, from primary to tertiary sector (retailers and restaurateurs) to control risks in food manufacturing. Food Safety Gloves are used in good food company.

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Prepared foods to serve different guests such as a fundraising dinner, a return of funeral meal for the neighborhood kids and of course our customers if we are the operator of a supermarket or restaurant must be prepared according to the basic rules of hygiene and safety. In the population, we find a customer risk is composed of young children, pregnant women, the elderly and people with weakened immune systems. The consequences of food borne illness can be more severe for these groups than for others in the population.
Handle food safely is the responsibility of all food handlers.
Those who are preparing food (friends, family, and customers) deserve what is best and also ask for anything better for those who produce or prepare food for you. Food Safety Gloves are mandatory for the employees who handle the food. You are not less important than the processors, inspectors or retailer in the area regarding food hazards. You are as manipulator of food an important link in the food chain from farm to table.

Street clothes and shoes worn outdoors and jewelry are among the items that have a higher risk of contamination. The establishment of a company policy requires employees to put their uniforms. Also to be reserved for work shoes that is not worn outside. These best practices are most effective manufacture to prevent the entry of contaminants in food preparation areas. Compliance with the ban on wearing jewelry, including wearing “jewelry piercing” is also part of the essential rules to follow.
Body fluids are also frequently involved in episodes of food toxic infections. Do not overlook the effectiveness of hand washing (with soap and water) in the control of contaminants in foods it is a far more effective when it comes to direct contamination.
It is possible to transmit pathogenic bacteria through what can be excreted through the nasal passages or mouth when we cough we sneeze or sniff us and even when we are eating or chewing gum while preparing food. It is important that employees are properly trained so that they understand the importance of their actions to the contamination. Always sneeze and cough into your elbow away from food so as not to contaminate them. The prohibition of eating, chewing gum or drinking while working is also very important