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Don’t Be Afraid Of Getting Legal Advice

More and more people look to save on their outgoings and one particular area where people hate to pay out is on professional fees.  In particular, legal fees are known as being one of the things people most dislike spending their money on.  In some cases though, it becomes a necessity.
Good legal advice is out there. However, for whatever reason, people will often try to avoid obtaining it. The problem with this is that often not taking advice at the right stage can lead to far bigger and more expensive problems later on.
A trip to the lawyer can be compared to a trip to the dentist. No one likes going. The visit often involves a degree of pain and usually a not inconsequential sum of money is extracted from the poor person in attendance.  As well as this, people can often come away from a meeting not fully understanding what was discussed.  This can leave people with a sense of inadequacy, as they may not want to ask questions which they think will make them seem silly.

There is an argument that this could be down to the inaccessibility of the legal profession.  This is by no means the fault of the people who work in the industry. It’s just that the perception of a lawyer is usually a well to do person with a strong academic background and this can put barriers in the way, as people can feel somewhat intimidated. In television dramas and films, lawyers are often depicted as being exceptionally clever, or able to tie people up in knots. Again, this can put people off when it comes to spending time with them or having meetings with lawyers.
The truth is that these days, lawyers are just as accessible and down to earth as any other profession. There will always be those odd characters who seem far too ‘old school’ and wish to keep the barriers between them and their clients in place. However, as times move forward, lawyers have had to become as commercial as everyone else.  Gone are the days when a lawyer would only work in the morning and leave for an afternoon of golf after lunch.  They are more likely to be found hunched over their desks, working as many hours as possible, or alternatively out and about meeting clients in their own environments, where they feel at ease.  It’s all about client service.
Gregg Boyce shares his knowledge of taking legal advice over the phone.

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