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Clever Bedroom Storage Ideas

The bedroom is the one room we should all keep clear from clutter, yet it is this very room that tends to be the messiest in the house. Clothes and possessions accumulate over time and before you know it your bedroom is brimming with things you didn’t even realise you had.
The key to solving a messy bedroom is ample storage that in turns does not take up much space, and there are numerous ways you can achieve this. Some are inexpensive options that can be quickly introduced whereas others cost a bit more but will really help keep the room in order.
It’s important to keep your bedroom free from clutter as this is the room you are meant to relax and rest in. Although you may not realise it, an untidy room can increase stress and make it more difficult for you to fall asleep at night. Keeping your room in order will enable you to unwind and have a deep and peaceful sleep.

Storage Ideas

Home ImprovementAs I’ve mentioned before, storage options range in price and what you decide to do really depends on your budget. What you can do will also depend on the space you have and it should also be influenced by the amount of items you need to store away.
For example,   small plastic storage boxes are ideal for use in a young child’s room, but will probably be inadequate for storing a teenage girl’s possessions. Spend some time considering what it is you need, and how much space you have to work with.
Smaller rooms benefit from stackable hard plastic boxes, and as these are available in a range of colours and you can buy some to fit in with the design of the bedroom. However, these boxes do take up space, and are only really suitable for storing limited items.
Adding shelves is an easy and inexpensive way to maximise space, and the shelves can be used to store a range of items. You can also choose to add coat hooks underneath the shelves, and use these to hang your clothes. Sliding door wardrobes are an excellent addition to any bedroom, and will help keep the room looking neat and spacious.
Sliding door wardrobes are generally built into the wall meaning they do not stick out and take up room like standard wardrobes do. If you’re interested in utilising this storage option in your bedroom then I suggest you contact a reputable company like Superglide Wardrobes, as this will guarantee that the wardrobe is of the highest quality.
It’s important to take advantage of every square inch available, so if the room has unusual corners try adding a small built-in bench with storage underneath. If the bed has a detachable headboard then consider buying one with built-in storage space.
These headboards are generally low priced and are perfect for storing small items like books or linen. It’s also a good idea to use a nightstand beside the head of the bed, and if you’re considering buying one then make sure it has a deep drawer and a bottom shelf for storing items.

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Terance Nichols is a home improvement and DIY expert who regularly advises homeowners the best way to maximise space. Terance enjoys spending his free time walking his dog.

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