Need for Water:
One would have to note that every living creature on this planet tends to depend on the water for their survival and taking care of their lives to ensure that they would be able to survive through the tough times and also populate the whole planet with their species. Since the humans have realized this fact so early in their evolutionary processes, they have made huge social settlements in the banks of the rivers in various parts of the world, which are called as the human civilizations and are known by the names of the rivers. However, over the period of time, especially after several types of revolutions that have changed the way in which the humans tend to lead their lives, it is easy to note that the persons would have to focus on enriching the water cycle and meet the constantly increasing demand for water, so as to ensure that they are able to achieve the best results in their lives. The best thing is that there are several types of natural and man-made reservoirs in which water is stored for the communities to utilize. Similarly, there are huge tanks with great storage capacities that tend to be fitted with the buildings to supply the required waters to the residents and the employees in the buildings to satisfy the needs of the occupants in an effective manner.

Storage Challenges:
Since the population of humans is continuing to explode and they seek out newer territories to establish their species, it is necessary for the persons to realize that the space constraint is one of the biggest challenges that is and will always be faced by the humanity and therefore, when there is limited space for the persons to stay, the water storage spaces also tends to diminish accordingly. Therefore, it is necessary for the persons to ensure that they have the flexible tools that would store the water in an effective manner, such as in the case of the Rainwater tanks that can be assembled and uninstalled at will, which is possible to be done with a quicker speed with practice. Since, the persons are having the challenge that they would not be able to afford with the spaces to set up their permanent tanks in their buildings or the living vicinity, it is easy for them to ensure to assemble these tanks during rains and make use of the minimal space as well by these cylindrical tanks to capture the rainwater and use it well for their daily purposes. Once they are done with the emptying of the tanks, they can once again put them back into their bags.
Simple Solutions:
Even though the problems that tend to face the persons may appear to be very huge and threaten the core existence of the users, it is critical that they would have to ensure that they are able to achieve the best results in terms of the resolutions if they think through the problems in a proper manner. It is both necessary for the persons to ensure that the water is been properly stored in the tanks and then they are also supplied to the various areas around the buildings at the different rooms, such as in the case of the bathrooms, toilets, kitchens, wash basins, etc, in order to support the persons to do their things on a regular basis, which would enable them to get ready for a new day or to end their day with the necessary refreshing process that would retrieve their energies in their bodies in a proper manner and get them ready for sleep.