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Alarming Side Effects of Same Drugs on Women rather than in Men

Recent researches are sending an alarm amongst women about the different kind of hazardous reactions that the same drugs such as painkillers, anti-depressants, certain medications that are taken for diseases like blood pressure are creating in the bodies of women. There were various researches conducted by numerous teams in New Zealand, Dutch and UK and the entire teams of scientists came to the same conclusions about these ill effects of drugs in women. This might be a shock to everyone but the real cause is that it is because most of these drugs are only tested on men and not the other gender pathetically.
Thirty Seven year old Janice Price a charity worker from West Sussex in the UK was worried about the depressions syndromes that has been torturing and are long lasting for years. Therefore she was eager to start a family without any effect of this depression drugs on her baby. It was earlier predicted that the IQ growth of a fetus might be hindered if the mother I under anti-depressant medications. According to a recent study made by the Harvard research groups suggested greater risk in a pregnant women like miscarriage or even certain ill effects such as autism in the baby. Thus there is no reassurance offered for Janice regarding the medicines eventually since they are never considered to be safe
It was revealed that there was observed abnormal behaviors in women who were taking anti-depressants during their pregnancy period of time. Scientists saw some changes in the health of a woman according to their weight, lifestyle, diet and intake of other drugs during any treatment. The scientists were worried that most of the drugs in the market are never tested on women making them more risky. They were just tested to see if they are safe on men and concluded. But the effects of the same drugs on women with varying hormonal menstrual cycles are found to be different because of the fluctuations. This might end up in certain complications in the women’s bodies that might last for longer period of time.

Evidences against the different kind of ill effects of the same drugs on women are increasing. Recent studies by the Dutch scientists revealed the fact that women suffer four times higher risk of side effects than men when prescribed with common blood pressure pills called as diuretics. The side effects from the drugs were alarmingly dangerous such as from stress, depression, and coma, and also in some cases it has ended up in death of the women. The researchers of Erasmus Medical Centre in the Rotterdam University analyzed more than 7000 patients who were admitted in their hospital for the adverse reactions of the medicines.
The qualified scientists carefully studied the real effects of different types of diuretics drug that has been used for cardiovascular drugs on both the sexes and the result were shocking that the women were four times borne to risks of side effects such as kidney failures, coma etc. than in men. Therefore people around the globe along with the scientists are insisting in complete analyze of any drug should be done by testing on millions of women either when they are normal or during their pregnancy period of time before prescribing a lady with the particular safe drug.
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