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5 Great Health Blogs Of 2012

Blogs have become some of the most popular tools for disseminating information to the masses. The benefits of blogging are countless both to the public and bloggers. Blogs have enabled the public to research almost any topic imaginable.
Blogs are also helpful in the educational sector since people can gain valuable knowledge from them. People who engage in regular blogging can also establish their status as experts in certain topic areas. Blogging also makes them power researchers and provides them with a sense of self-fulfillment.

Great blogs typically focus on one topic. There are many health blogs that provide specialized news and health infomation. The following are some of the blogs that have effectively covered matters pertaining to health:
1. FasterCures
This is a blog that pays attention to business issues related to public health. It provides readers with information that focuses on the happenings in the public health sector. Readers also get the latest information on how various health companies are doing their best to tackle various ailments and conditions.
FasterCure is also a top health blog for 2012 because it helps health companies in need of health information. In this regard, such firms can save on time associated with the creation and utilization of cures that can impact the world. Some of the blog posts also enlighten readers on how to cure any health condition that may afflict them.
2. Health Beat Blog
The Health Beat Blog also makes it to the list of the best health blogs for this year. This has been warranted by its ability to effectively focus on the effects of public health on politics and economy. Through this blog, readers are informed on the impediments to their access to public healthcare. Readers are enlightened on how they can advance public health. Thanks to Health Beat Blog, readers can understand the reasons behind the delayed introduction of certain medications.
3. Blacksmith Institute Pollution Blog
This blog pays attention to pollution and how it affects people’s health. Through this blog, readers would understand how poisoning, cancer and other health complications results from pollution. The fact that the blog focuses on pollution in a wide context only serves to enhance its reputation as a leading health blog in 2012.
The Blacksmith Institute Pollution Blog has also enhanced its status as a health blog through the provision of credible information. This it carries out by providing statistics, research projects and facts about pollution. This enables readers to understand the devastating effects of pollution on human health. Furthermore, the blog caters to issues that prevent establishments and companies from preventing and sorting out pollution issues.
4. Global Bioethics Blog
This blog provides valuable information about public health in other countries. The blog also enlightens readers on how various establishments have tested new health theories in developing states. It pays close attention to numerous ethical matters relating to the Middle East and Africa as pertains to public health information.
By reading this blog, readers would get to understand the latest research studies being carried out in Africa. Furthermore, it contains information about the different techniques to combat rampant outbreaks of diseases.
5. Health Alerts
The Health Alerts Blog is under the management of Yeshiva University and concentrates on general health topics. As a top health blog this year, it enlightens readers on how to stay healthy. Some of the posts are motivational and enable those grappling with weight issues to lose weight effectively. The blog, normally updated once or twice every month, usually contain 20 new posts about health information. The other thing that makes it a top health blog is its reliability.

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Kelly Sanders is a health information manager and guest author at Health Information Technology, where she contributed to the guide to the Top 10 Online Masters in Health Information Technology Programs.

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