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4 Tips For Shedding Fat

4 Tips For Shedding Fat

Losing fat may seem like the ultimate challenge. Being disciplined enough to resist food temptations and sticking to your exercise schedule may just appear to be impossible feats.

Find your weight loss motivator. Whether you want to be healthy for your family or perhaps you want to lose a few more pounds to boost your self-esteem you must know why you’re losing weight to stay motivated. Temptations will be many but the properly motivated person will shed the fat that they need to lose. Keep that motivator at the forefront of your mind if you want to binge on a late night snack or if you want to skip your morning workout.

Use these 4 smart tips for burning fat.

Weigh Yourself Weekly

Before getting down to the nitty gritty of losing weight set up an intelligent tracking plan. Weigh yourself once each week to gauge the effectiveness of your weight loss campaign. Pick a day. Stick to your schedule. Weighing yourself every 2 to 3 days doesn’t take into account the daily weight fluctuations you’re likely to experience. Water weight loss and water retention experienced after eating processed carbohydrates can skew the scale. Weigh yourself once each week to effectively track your progress.

Most people quit their diet and exercise campaigns because they see little or no progress on a day to day basis. Make it your goal to lose 1 pound or more weekly to set up a healthy lifestyle.

4 Tips For Shedding Fat

Eat a Balanced Diet

Consuming a balanced, nutritious diet accelerates your metabolism and increases your weight loss. Eat lean proteins, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats to round out your diet. Chow down on proteins like chicken breast, turkey breast and tuna to feed your muscles and to boost your metabolism. Consume complex carbs like whole wheat bread, oatmeal, fruits and vegetables to energize yourself for your workouts. Eat healthy fats like olive oil, peanuts, almonds and flax seed oil to feel satiated. Eating the right foods helps you feel full and provides you with the fuel that you need for your day.

Workout Regularly

Run, jog or walk 5 to 6 times weekly to shed fat. Exercise for 30 to 40 minutes per session. Engaging in cardiovascular activity elevates your resting heart rate and stokes your metabolic furnace. If you really want to accelerate your weight loss spend 2 to 3 days weekly in the weight room. Anaerobic activity combined with aerobic workouts forms a powerful one-two punch which increases fat burning.

Walk to nearby locations instead of driving your car. Allow for extra time to get in a workout while saving yourself gas money. Get creative. Walk up the stairs instead of taking the escalator and squeeze in a few 10 to 15 minute walks during work breaks to reach your 30 minutes of exercise daily.

Consider Surgery

Weight loss surgery is a possible option for individuals who need to lose a large amount of weight. If you’re teetering into the dangerously obese category consider surgery to lose weight quickly.  Research local facilities which offer this surgery to build a watch list of potential matches.  Before having surgery to lose weight speak to your physician.

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