One of the greatest fears of many women is the fear of menopause. Unlike the middle age crisis in male population this type of change is almost as physical as it is psychological and is therefore far more frightening. Apart from all of this, there is one important thing to bear in mind and that is the fact that the menopause is not the end of anything, it is a change and as any change, it also symbolizes something new. By following few simple rules this “new beginning” may not prove to be as bad as most women fear.

A Sound Mind in a Sound Body
First of these rules is to always keep yourself healthy by exercising regularly and performing regular exercises as well as conducting appropriate diets and trying to reduce exposure to stressful situations as much as possible. By regularly exercising one is reducing the chance of osteoporosis, of which women in menopause are most critical group. There are several fun and accessible ways to keep oneself in shape amongst which is jogging, swimming or even yoga.
You are what you Eat

As said in ancient Chinese proverb, the content of our plait is the best image of our lifestyle and our health. There are several do’s and don’ts in your diet that may help you improve your state in menopause significantly. First of all, a woman in menopause should always avoid the consumption of spicy food or stimulants such as coffee, alcoholic drinks and chocolate, although not completely confirmed, this can reduce the chance of hot flushes as well as improve your sleep significantly. What you should consume is food rich with phytoestrogens since it can reduce the symptoms of menopause. Another important thing is to consume a lot of calcium rich food in order to improve health as well as consume small quantities of sage tea.
Your Sex Life doesn’t End with Menopause
In menopause your sex life is bound to go through some changes but in the end the effect of these changes is always up to you. The most optimistic thing about menopause is that, that the changes in your sex life will not be drastic. Some women may suffer decrease in sexual desire in menopause but on the other hand on some women the menopause has the completely opposite effect. There are two most important things to bear in mind on this topic and the first one is that even after the menopause there is always risk of sexually transmitted disease, so be sure to always use adequate protection.
The second thing is the advice that will probably increase your sex life drastically and that is the fact that the proper lubrication is the most important thing for good sex. With the use of modern wet lubricants, you may enhance your sex life significantly making it more enjoyable for both you and your partner. Proper lubricant can make your sex more sensual and comfortable while providing a completely natural feeling.

Every change is scary and difficult and often inevitable, but just by following these few simple advices you may make this change bend to you as much as possible and not the other way around.