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Why You Should Not Neglect Traditional Print Advertising For Your Store

With the advent of online marketing and new media, many businesses, stores and shops routinely abandon proven, traditional marketing practices in favor this new medium.

While there’s nothing necessarily wrong with using online marketing channels – in fact, many companies have benefitted tremendously from this medium – the traditional marketing channels and media are still just as potent and powerful.

In fact, companies who are taking advantage of this medium are quietly making a killing and spending far less than rival businesses focused on just the online medium. Don’t get me wrong, marketing your business online works well. However, when combined with proven traditional methods, the results can be phenomenal.

One of these is the traditional print advertising medium. Anyone who neglects this marketing tool is leaving money on the table. Here’s why:

More People are Researching Businesses Online and Visiting Offline

Recent studies show that more people are checking out companies online and then visiting them offline. In other words, chances are that companies without proper signage are likely to lose prospective clients because these prospects cannot find your store when they are ready to buy whatever they need from you.


Has Huge Capabilities for Bringing in Foot Traffic

Having banners and signs can do wonders for your business. There’s a better chance of people walking into your store to purchase stuff if they know what you are selling. Having banners and signs prominently displayed in front of your store, on the windows, and everywhere else you think it will maximum impact.

The same goes for when you are having an open house, or doing an exhibit at conventions, seminars and workshops. Having a banner with compelling designs and concise message will help draw people in to visit your property if only to find out what you’re selling.

Effective Branding Tool

The average business needs an effective branding strategy to help it get the recognition and revenue it requires. A good branding strategy often requires the use of multiple tools that will help the business gain maximum exposure.

While some of these tools can be quite pricey, banners and signs are often cost effective and capable of delivering excellent results for your business. While placing some ads in your favorite newspapers is good, it may not be sustainable if you are on a budget. However, if you were to invest on banners and signs, you’ll get more bang for your buck and more returns on your investment.

Permanent Advertising Medium

Banners and signages can be permanent if you want them to. Not just that, even if you were to create some seasonal or special offer banners, you can always roll them away and bring them out again when you have the next sale. The reality is that you can never go wrong with traditional print advertising objects like banners and signs. Their returns over their lifetime are usually enormous.

Increases Revenue and Sales

One of the best ways to increase sales and revenue among many small businesses is to offer discounts, do some clearance sales and give extra bonuses. To get the word out about this, you will need prominently displayed banners, distribute flyers, put some ads in the local dailies and put up some posters.

This particularly gets great results during the holiday season. Apart from that, traditional print advertising media such as the previously mentioned and the more common ones such as newspaper ads can do wonders for your business all year round.

So, if you have been ignoring traditional print advertising in favor of online marketing, advertising, you should have a rethink. Get some custom banners and signs made today. They are essential to your business, and can be easily found through excellent online outlets such as

The writer, Oscar King, is the one his friends often turn to for business advice, and has taken in compiling some of his best advice and pushing it online for them to read. If you wish to learn more about Oscar you can visit him on Google+.

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