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What GAMSAT Preparation demands for?


GAMSAT preparation is no cake walk. You literally have to work hard if you wish to get through this exam and it is considered to be a very difficult exam. Studying medicine itself is a very tough job obviously because it entitles you to be a part of a noble profession. It is therefore necessary to ensure that the standards of GAMSAT are set high enough that only the fittest survives through this.
Qualifying in GAMSAT allows you to study medicine and dental courses and assures you a seat in the medical field. The actual aim of GAMSAT is to test every aspirant’s ability to interpret written and graphical representations. It also puts to test every candidate reasoning ability and logical decision making skills. It is therefore important that every candidate gives his/her best shot when appearing for this exam.
Evaluation of a candidate is based on his knowledge in three sectors. Firstly the humanities and social sciences, second the written English skills and finally the science knowledge. The syllabus for these sections is not pre-defined and has no specific program. Though questions are related to different subjects the final aim to test the following skills:

  • Interpretation Skills
  • Analytical skills
  • Logical Reasoning Ability
  • Decision Making skills
  • Written Skills

Interpretation and analytical skills are tested in Section I of humanities and social sciences. Every candidate is required to interpret, understand and judge the graphical diagrams or cartoon images etc. Those from Arts background will have an edge over the candidates when answering this section.
Written skills are assessed in Section II wherein two quotes from any fiction or any general literature are extracted and the candidates are requested to write two essays based on these two quotes. The candidature requires having a strong grip in his vocabulary and also needs to be voracious reader. Those from literature background will find this section very easy and infact it is said that this section is the easiest amongst all three sections.
Logical Reasoning ability and decision making skills Those from Science background find this section less complicated as it is related to Science. Major marks can be obtained in the biology and chemistry section. Questions related to physics are relatively lesser. Hence, when preparing for GAMSAT, it is important that you concentrate on biology and chemistry more.
Each section has a fixed numbers of questions and the time allotted to answer these questions is also fixed. Section I has 75 questions and you would be given a total of 110 minutes to answer this section of which first 10 minutes are given to you to go through the paper. Section II requires you to write two essays in 60 minutes. After this you are given a lunch break. Post lunch you can attempt the third section which has 120 questions which need to be solved in a span of 120 minutes. All questions are Multiple Choice Questions and you simply need to choose the right answer except for essays ofcourse.
This exam is conducted once a year by ACER and students from any educational background can apply for this exam. GAMSAT preparation can get easy if you start early and have a strategic and consistent approach towards it. You could get a lot of guidance from GAMSAT preparation groups or forums. It is always advisable to be a part of a group which has students from different backgrounds. This will help you gain knowledge on all sectors and make it easy for you. All that counts is your subject knowledge and your presence of mind when appearing for the GAMSAT exam.
The writer runs an educational institute and trains and prepares students for various competitive exams. He believes that more that subject knowledge one needs to have the right mind set to gain success in such exams.

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