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Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Have Homegrown Vegetables


While store-bought vegetables are certainly great foods compared to the likes of junk varieties, they can’t quite hold a candle to the wholesome nature of homegrown alternatives that are simply better in almost every way from taste to quality. If you are of the school of thought that such a garden is too much work unreflective of the effort you put in, then read on to find out why the opposite is the case and the many benefits that come with growing your own food:

1) You’ll have clean food devoid of uncertainties and pesticides

It is a poorly kept secret that store-bought vegetables are weaned on all manner of adverse chemicals including pesticides and fungicides making a concussion of foods infused with all kinds of contaminants. By growing your own food, you have the freedom to grow vegetables solely on natural materials afforded by mother nature thereby ensuring what gets to your plate is clean and unpolluted by any handling processes in between.

2) You’ll save a great deal of money


Grocery bills can seem like minute expenses, however, in the long run, the cumulative total can cause a significant dent in your budget. Conversely, homegrown vegetables prove a convenient means to get your healthy share of greens without having to dig deep into your pocket. By getting around auxiliary costs including packaging and processing that make up a significant share of the price tag, gardening proves a nice means of vitamin provision that is extremely affordable.

3) Regular exercise is also another of the many advantages

Tending to a vegetable garden requires a great deal of work from groundbreaking to weeding and everything in-between. If you barely get up after work and have been putting off going to the gym for the longest time, gardening can double up as the exercise routine you need to keep you fit. It avails a number of low-impact workouts that are sure to keep important muscles running and the blood flowing.

4) Quality vegetables that taste great

Shelf vegetables undergo a lot of processing and tweaking with the final product somewhat below par compared to homegrown alternatives in terms of the richness of taste and the availability of essential elements. Contrarily, homegrown vegetables are simply a cut above the competition providing a nicely sumptuous earthy taste that is as nutritious as it is delicious. This is even more so the case if you grow your plants in a greenhouse as it provides concentrated conditions for optimal productivity and potency.


5) It is highly convenient

Whether you enjoy trips to the grocery store or not, it gets to a point where the store seems like it’s in a galaxy so far away particularly at the end of a hard day at work when you’ve forgotten to buy those brussel sprouts you purposed to have for supper. With a vegetable garden in your backyard, you won’t have to settle for takeout in such cases.

Growing your own vegetable garden is quite easy and isn’t as difficult as many make it out to be. If you are quite wary of doing so, start out with the basics such as tomatoes before working your way up to complex varieties.

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