If you are a bit short of money, there are several simple ways to quickly get your hands on a little cash. One of the easiest ways to do this is to sell some of your stuff. We all have items sitting around the home that we do not use, but have not got around to getting rid of.

Some of these items, such as gadgets and electronics can be quite valuable. For example, it is possible to sell a Wii that is in working condition, for a good price. If you add in a few games, you can get even more for it. There are several ways to sell it, and here we will consider the pros and cons of most of them.
Your Selling Options
You could choose to sell it on eBay or Craigslist. It will cost you to list it on eBay, and you need to factor in postage. In addition, it can take a while to find a buyer, and you will have to wait for your money. Most of the time eBay works out well, but occasionally when someone gets the item they are not happy with it. In that case, you can end up having the cash taken off you while the dispute is sorted out.
You can sometimes sell items like Wii’s at a car boot sale. If you have already paid for a pitch all you need to do is to add the Wii to the items you are selling. However, bear in mind that most people will not pay much for electrical items they buy at car boot sales. Understandably, they like to try items like these before they buy, so may only be prepared to give you a fiver, even for a Wii that is in good condition.
Advertising it in your local paper could also work. However, check to see how many are for sale. If there are a lot listed, advertise yours at a lower price to make sure it sells. Remember to factor in the cost of the advert, and bear in mind that anyone who buys in this way will expect to try before they buy.
Other Options
Of course, you do not have to sell your old Wii. The chances are that even when money is tight you still give to charity. Most of us do so, at certain times of the year. It may be that you are better off giving your unwanted home electronics to charity instead. Something like a Wii will be gratefully received and put to use in a hospital, clinic, playgroup or children’s home. Some charity shops will take them too, however, a few have a policy of not selling any used electrical goods, so do not be offended if they refuse it.
Alternatively, you may have a friend or family member with young children or grandchildren. Not everyone can afford to buy a new games console, so your old Wii would be really appreciated by them.
Alice writes for several blogs and companies. She has put together these tips on how to sell a Wii from her personal experience and advice found on money saving sites.