A rented passenger van is required for various purposes. Careful selection of a van is very important. You need to check the specifications and different aspects in a van such as its roof, windshields, mirror, tire, bumpers, etc. when renting it. For people who are renting the van for the first time, we are providing some useful facts and tips to consider.

Inspect the Roof
Roof is the most important and expensive part of any van. Any replacement of the roof if carried out requires lots of time and money which a rental office charges its customers. So it is very important to protect the roof at all costs. To save yourself from unnecessary repairs and hefty charges it is advisable to keep it out of parking garages. Also, ensure that it is away from low hanging tree branches. The 12 passenger sprinter van rental agency provides comfortable seating arrangement to people. It comprises of twelve seats including driver seat, passenger bucket seats, and three rows of bench seats.
Check the Windshield
If any damage happens to the front windshield, then the entire glass needs to be replaced by the rental firm. Like any star, chip or crack will hamper the vision of the driver, so ensure that they are in good condition. Also while driving, avoid following large-sized trucks too closely on your path. This will safeguard your windshield.
Bumpers cannot be repaired. If any damage happens to them, the only solution is to replace them. This would be an expensive affair. So to avoid such possibilities, it is advised to be very alert when parking the van and avoid following vehicles too closely. Maintain good amount of space with vehicles running ahead of you.
Tips to Rent 15-Passenger Vans
Refuel your van with the same quantity of fuel. This is required as most of the rental companies are not equipped with onsite fuel tanks. This is the reason that you will be charged the maximum service fee for refueling when you miss to refuel it. So don’t return your rented van with less quantity of fuel as this act will make you pay charges for the extra labor!
Clean the Van Exteriors Properly
As per the rental agreement you need to wash the van properly and return them in a clean state as it was when you picked it. As a part of cleaning, remove if any stains, marks, shoe polish is present on the windows.
Remove All your Belongings from the Vans
Before returning the rented van, you need to remove all your personal items from it. Properly check all the areas in the van and with the help of trash bags, remove all the trash. Ensure that there is nothing left inside the vehicle. In the rental agreement, it is clearly mentioned that the passengers will be entirely responsible for any property left in the vehicle. Thus make an extra effort at your end and clear up all the items residing in your van before you return it.
With this information, the process of renting and returning a van would surely become simple and easy.