Employers are people too! Just like you or me we like to be around and work with others that we like. The best way to make a great first impression is to open up yourself and be someone you would like. It may be hard at times to leave stress behind you when you walk out your door in the morning, but that is exactly what the most liked personal at any company do. It is not hard to see how to create a winning impression in your new job when you think: “I do not have to be psychic; I just have to be likeable.”
It goes without saying people smile more around others that smile. When you walk through the door put on your most comfortable smile possible. Imagine you are walking out the door very soon to go to your favorite place; be it restaurant, vacation, best psychic reading ever or sporting event.

Take it easy in the beginning, best to start out as a listener not a talker. It is better to have a few people think you are a little quite, than fear you might say everything to everybody. It may seem like you need to be a clairvoyant to impress your coworkers with awesome pieces of information, but a good listener will when the day, time after time.
It never hurts to remember what it was that you liked best about other coworkers that you have found outstanding from previous positions. If you liked them they probably liked you too. Remember people like to be around and work with people that they like. It is easy to relax in a new environment when you know others are happy to be there with you.
A well intended smile will go a long way to get others around you to smile, where as a laugh may put others off, not quite sure of how to respond. You may feel tempted to pull out your tarot cards and do a Tarot Reading at your desk, but like an out of place laugh, it may not make the best first impression.
A safe topic is always vacation, vacation, vacation. Spent a recent holiday or vacation in sunny south Florida, tell others about the fun attractions you checked out on your recent trip. They are likely to open up and share their great Key West adventure. It never fails talk about places people love to go visit and someone in the group has been their too.

It is as much about how well you relate to others as it is how well you perform the tasks of your position. Think about relaxing images when you start to feel stressed. It is amazing how much better you will look to the people around you with a calm thoughtful expression on your face. Stress never looks pretty or handsome!
Leave the outside world outside, its human to have your mind wander a bit, when it does make sure it’s a thought about something fun and happy. Keep it light and you will never fail to create a winning impression in your new job. You really do not want your fellow coworkers playing medium and trying to read your mind based on your facial expressions. Trust me give them something to work with and they will give it the old college try!
Blake Nelson hails from the UK and has written many articles relating to the business world and the world of energetic readings. It matters not weather he is sharing with you how to when the day at work or where to find the best medium reading on the planet, he never fails to deliver the goods.
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- License: Creative Commons image source
- License: Creative Commons image source
Blake Nelson hails from the UK and has written many articles relating to the business world and the world of energetic readings. It matters not weather he is sharing with you how to when the day at work or where to find the best medium reading on the planet, he never fails to deliver the goods.