A lot of people try to keep their commitment to declutter their home. If you are one of those people who take in more and more stuff, you might find yourself drowning in your possessions. You might think that the best solution to your clutter problem at home is to organize and manage all your belongings.
But what you need to realize is that simply organizing and managing your belongings without purging them is only a temporary solution. In fact, you might realize that you are now utilizing a much smaller space than what you originally have. If you really want to address your clutter problem at home, you need to consider living a minimalist life.

How Much Is Too Much?
You have to understand that each person’s tastes, comfort, and needs vary; thus, whether you own too much or not enough is subjective. It all comes down to what is too much for you. Here are a few guide questions you need to consider:
- Are you overwhelmed by the amount of stuff you have at home?
- Do you find yourself skirting certain areas of your home because it has a lot of items you don’t want to encounter?
- Is home organization and decluttering taking too much of your time?
- Is the clutter at home becoming a constant worry?
If you answered “yes” to one or more of the questions listed above, you will have to purge some of the clutter in your home. In addition, you should consider turning your home into a minimalist style.
Minimalism is becoming a popular home design style. It has spare and streamlined design, but it is still inviting and charming. If you want to create a visually appealing home that is very comfortable and easy to live in, here are a few tips.
Turning Your Cluttered House Into A Minimalist Home
Visualize Your Goal:
You should visualize the design and style of your home. You can go online and look for minimalist ideas, or you can browse through home design magazines. Only after you have a clear goal in mind can you begin to de-clutter and purge your belongings.
Work On A Single Room At A Time:
To avoid getting overwhelmed by the amount of tasks that needs to be done, you need to work on a single room at a time. Simplifying an entire house at once can prove to be too challenging and overwhelming for you; thus, you should focus on one room. Use that room to inspire you to move to the next room once it’s done.
Keep Only The Essentials:
Once you have chosen a room to work on, you should take an inventory of what you have, and categorize them: essentials, donations, storage, and what should be thrown away. You should evaluate each item inside the room and ask yourself whether it is essential. If you can’t live without it, then you should keep it. If you have items which you haven’t used for a long time, consider donating them or throwing them away. If you have valuable and sentimental items you can’t part with, you can put them into storage.
Store Your Items Out Of Sight:
As a tip, you can use self storage facilities for storing extra items in your home. You can click here and consider your options, such as the storage unit size and security features. Renting a self-storage unit will help you get non-essential items, such as seasonal clothes, equipment, and appliances out of your house without the need to throw them away.
Keep Useful Furniture:
To achieve a minimalist interior design, you need to remove bulky and huge furniture pieces inside the room. As a tip, use only a few pieces of furniture that looks elegant, sleek, and can serve dual purpose. You should evaluate which pieces of furniture can be eliminated without sacrificing comfort. The pieces of furniture that won’t be used in the room can be sold or stored in the self-storage unit. Lastly, you should go with plain and simple pieces with solid colors.
Use Simple Home Decor:
You can accent the minimalist room using one or two simple accents and decorations. For instance, you can place a vase of flowers or a potted plant in the room. If the room is painted with neutral colors, you can use accessories and accents that have brighter colors that draw and catch the eye’s attention. This gives a room a splash of color and energy.
- colas de Camaret.”John Pawson – House”. October 13, 2011. Online Image. Flickr. Oct 20, 2013
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This guest post is written by Kris Bennette, a professional home organizer. She recommends turning a cluttered and crowded house into a minimalist home. To achieve this home design, she advises her readers to consider renting a self-storage unit where they can store some of their non-essential and seasonal items.