Bowling is a fun sport. It is an even more fun sport if one learns to throw the ball the right way. The right way is that ability to throw the ball at will and have it knock down all the pins in the alley. Does this mean, you have to sweat it out every day at the closest bowling alley until you are like this bowling maestro? Well, that is one way of doing it. We fear though, such extremes ways of learning how to bowl may get you the champion crown but it just might end up making bowling what it is not supposed to be.
There must be alternatives that allow you to learn how to bowl without actually having to go to the alley every day. Well, fortunately for us the World Wide Web, has shown us the way.
Online Learning Aids
The internet has been around for more than two decades, and bowling has managed grabbed the imagination of thousands of bowling players all over the world in the last few years. As bowling started to grow in popularity, lots of people began to realize that there weren’t any real bowling training or learning options. This is unlike sports, where if you are really serious, you could find some kind of a professional trainer to help you out.
Eventually a whole bunch of people self-taught bowling and began to share information with others. There is a reason the internet is called the information super highway. People started using a variety of web based technologies and digital media to help other bowling wannabes. Thanks to all the efforts that hundreds of people put into sharing their knowledge on various outlets on internet, people like us can learn to bowl the convenient way. The best part though is that, most of the information available is free.
Bowling Videos
Everybody knows that children are the fastest learners. This is because of their ability learn things by watching. Babies learn how to speak by watching their mother and father speak. So, why not apply the same techniques to learning bowling. Technically bowling is supposed to make you feel like a child anyway, so this is the best technique to learn.
The best place for videos is video sharing sites such as Dailymotion and YouTube. Many believe that video sharing sites are all about cat videos and not a place to visit to learn something. Take our word for it; these video sharing sites are also a great place for learning. All you have to do is visit either of these two sites and simply search for ‘bowling videos’ ‘bowling training’ and such keywords and you will run into a lot of videos that speak about bowling.
A lot of enthusiastic bowlers would have put detailed instructions for bowlers who are at different levels of expertise with their bowling. You will also notice that these bowlers are experts, self-taught folks. They tend to use a lot of bowling related terms which will increase your knowledge about bowling. The more you have knowledge about bowling and its terms, the faster you will learn bowling.
Online Manuals
The videos are just the beginning of learning about bowling online. You will only learn the basics of bowling through videos, but if you want to take it to the next level. This is because videos can only show a few basic tricks and tips. Also, not everyone who knows about bowling will make videos. Making videos is expensive and requires a lot of investment in terms of preparation and so on.
When you begin searching for bowling instruction related articles, it is best that you check out websites of bowling that belong to a bowling center. There are a lot of bowling centers in every city, and most of them maintain a website that tells their customers about their working hours, facilities available and birthday party options and such. Along with this information, as a customer bonus add-on, they will include tips and tricks about how to get the most out of your bowling session.
All the knowledge in the world is not going to help you bowl you better if you don’t practice. As and when you read something about bowling online or in a video, make a mental note. Better yet, make notes on your phone for later reference. Process all this information, come up with a plan of action for the next bowling session and implement all that you have learnt over the week.
The author has several hobbies that includes five a side football and bowling, and consider himself a bit of a home grown expert. He mostly plays bowling at the World Of Bowling, about which you can know more at