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Key Items You Must Have In Your Kitchen

Key Items You Must Have In Your Kitchen

The kitchen is the place where numerous meals and tasty desserts are created. If you have a family to feed, then you will probably be spending a lot of time there. That’s why you should make the process as efficient and easy as possible. The following are essential items and appliances that every amateur-chef should have in their kitchen.

  1. A Cast Iron Pan

If you want to fry up the perfect steak, then you need a cast iron pan. The reason being that they get exceptionally hot while giving an even cooking temperature across their surface. They are also as close to indestructible as you can get and can even last for decades.

Another benefit is that they don’t come with that annoying Teflon coating that flakes off into your food.

  1. A Deep Cake Pan

To bake the perfect cake, you need the perfect pan. That’swhy you should invest in one that is deep enough to create a large creation for a birthday or another special event.  If it’s too shallow, the batter can spill over the sides and catch fire in the oven. For more information check out All Cake Prices.

  1. A Slow Cooker

Are you tired of slaving over hot stoves and ovens? Slow cookers are perfect for serving up awesome meals with minimal preparation and cleanup time. Simply chuck your ingredients in the pot and walk away. Typically, you will want to give your meals 5-10 hours of cooking time to get the most tender, flavor-infused results.

  1. A vegetable chopper

Think of how much time you spend chopping vegetables for each meal. Now multiply that over the course of a year. Getting a vegetable chopper can save you a lot of time and frustration.

The big decision to make is whether to get a manual or automatic chopper. Automatic is often the better option as they are faster and easier. They are also multi-purpose and can double as juicers and grinders.

  1. Fine Mesh Sieves

These multi-purpose tools are ideal for straining sauces and pulp, sifting flour, rinsing rice, and much more. Getting a few different sizes is recommended, however, just one will do.

If you have just washed your sieve (and it’s still wet) and need to sift some flour, then simply chuck it in the oven for a couple of minutes. Most sieves have a metal handle so don’t worry about melting plastic.

What’s best is that sieves are generally very cheap so consider getting a few.

  1. An Excellent Knife Set

You don’t want to be hacking away at quality meat with a dull blade. To save yourself time and frustration it’s recommended you invest in a set of knives that will do justice to your kitchen. Many sets also include a sharper and you should learn how to use it.

Final Thoughts

While you may not be a professional chef, you can feel like one. Incorporating some of these items into your kitchen can make the whole process of food preparation much easier. Get started today!

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