While you may not know exactly what you want to major in yet, most people still desire to go to college. With so many degrees out there it can be hard to know what to specialize in. What will you enjoy the most? What can you do with a specific degree? Doing research can help you decide. So far we have looked at degrees in history and other liberal arts, now let’s look at jobs with a degree in Library Sciences.
According to the American Library Association a degree in library sciences is the appropriate degree for those aspiring to be a professional librarian. While a librarian is the most obvious choice of a career for this degree it is hardly limited to that. While you may be stereotyped as a little nerdy this degree can open up many career doors for you to walk through. Here are some.

If you like history and have a degree in library sciences then an archivist may be for you. You would work with a lot of old items including source documents and artifacts such as diaries, letters, photographs and personal records. You would be in charge of collecting, organizing, cataloging and maintaining these items. You may want to obtain some additional education in history or archival management as well as some external certification from the Society of American Archivist.
Working in a similar vein as the archivist you can find the genealogists. Also related by a similar interest in history a genealogist researches family histories. You would be trained in various research resources. Possible employers include libraries, county archives, individual families and family-history centers.
Of course the most obvious path for this degree is to become a librarian. There are a wide variety of libraries to apply for based on individual interest and specialization. There are public libraries but don’t rule out colleges, high schools, law firms and even some hospitals or corporations. Some librarians specialize in specific genres as well such as children’s services or adult services. You would also be trained in specific functions such as reference, cataloging and instruction.
Independent Research
An independent information specialist provides research assistance for others. You would usually be self-employed and conduct research and analysis for your clients. Usually you have worked in one of the above positions for several years before branching out on their own. Besides excellent research skills you will also need solid marketing and promoting skills along with some basic accounting.
So see? Who knew that a degree in library sciences could be so much fun! Check with online bachelors degrees for available courses.
Jeff Jordan writes in lives in Southern California. He writes about a variety of topics including automobiles and colleges such as Trident University.