Tortious interference was originated through Roman law, where head of the family brought a case against a third party who wounded one of the members of his house. Later in the 19th century in England, a claim was brought to court by the owner of a theater against a rival who interfered in a contract with a renowned singer. It was the first time, where the supreme court of Virginia announced tortious interference.
Nobody has the right to damage anyone’s reputation. Initially, things were scribbled on a piece of paper and before it got published it was read multiple times to correct the flaws. Nowadays, cyber crime is common where people humiliate someone or attack them with insulting words, thus harming their reputation. This is called cyber bullying.
Most commonly celebrities and reputable organizations’ images are damaged with few false words. Keeping this in matter, the defamation removal law was established, which says that the person has complete right to remove such attacking phrases from social Medias and also sue the person responsible.

Defamation removal law – tortious interference can be enacted together. A third party writes negative about an entity, so that potential buyers avoid buying their products. Any harsh statements without any proof can lead to negative impact and harm the bottom line of that entity. That entity can sue the third party for defamation. Generally, such malicious acts are done because of antagonism or tough competition.
Some steps to help you sue cyber criminal for tortious interference –
- Check under what category does the statement fall. Whether it is a slander or libel. Sometimes when a statement damages a career for long time it is libel which is more damaging than slander.
- Verbal statements have no value unless they are published.
- Published statements are found on television, radio, leaflet, social media, or face to face conversation in the presence of a witness.
- When you file a case against defamatory statements, you need to be sure that they are all false. As a matter of fact many times when investigation is done it is found that a third party has proof of the negative statements.
- Moreover statements such as “I think” or “maybe” are just suggestions and not negative statements but versions like “I know” are considered as truth about the entity. Thus, you need to be sure if such statements are actually damaging to your reputation or not.
- You should have proof to show that the statement has damaged your reputation. For example, a dip in your profit statement, job loss, or rejection by friends or family.
- Apart from this if there is any damage related to money then you can categorize them under special damage. Like loss in company or loss of wages.
- Some statements are protected with absolute privilege where the person can make any statements, for example statements between spouses or during political speeches are protected under absolute privilege.
Sometimes it is good to be aware of your rights. You can always request the publisher online to remove such false statements and contact your lawyer about the same. Discussing your case with them will give you all the necessary knowledge.
Basically, defamation cases include a lot of hassle, hence it is better to negotiate and make an out of the court settlement with mutual consent. Mediators are good at negotiating and with their help you can get a satisfactory reimbursement for the damages.