There are different means to wear your facial hair starting from different kinds of beards to a clean shave and an office appropriate yet attractive look. Regardless of all the different styles, women are so much into favoring one particular style that is having a heavy stubble or in other words, having 10 days’ growth worth. This tendency was revealed in a recent study published in the famous journal known as Evolution and Human Behavior.
A team of high end researchers working at the Australian University of New South Wales conducted a study recently. Different photographs of 10 different men were taken at 4 different stages of the growth of their facial hair. It started off with a clean shave and went all the way to the growth of a full beard. 177 heterosexual men along with 351 women participated in the study in order to go on with rating the photos on account of attractiveness, masculinity, healthiness and other potential abilities. The results were a bit unexpected as the majority of the women found men having heavy stubbles to be more attractive and desirable in comparison to those having a clean shave, lighter stubbles or even full beards.

According to the study by Instant Grooming, men who keep beard, have to maintain his beard otherwise he will be lost. To do this job personally a man really need a beard trimmer. Well, for this he must check best electric beard trimmer review online, otherwise he will be lost again by choosing the wrong product.
In order to explain these findings, researchers who carried out this study suggested that facial hair are correlated with sturdiness and maturity. Someone might not have a good beard at the age of 14 while they may also lack in aggression and dominance. On the other hand, women find grownups to be good looking when they had a heavy stubble as heavy stubbles serve as the perfect middle ground lying between a strong man and a weakling. So instead of picking someone highly sturdy, women liked to go with well-proportioned men.
In case you are willing to benefit from these findings, you might want to leave your razor alone for a while during summers in order to grow an attractive heavy stubble. A few different ways to do that are described below for your convenience.
Fill in the Blanks
The first thing that needs to be done is for you to give your facial hair some space and let them grow in. In case you happen to experience some kind of itching, the best way to get rid of it is to shampoo and clean your beard on a regular basis. It is just a matter of time before your skin gets comfortable with the new situation.
Wash then Moisturize
Once you have grown a heavy stubble, you need to devise a daily routine and get acquainted with it. You need to wash and clean the beard on a regular basis just the way you do it with your hair. Go for a mild shampoo in order to reduce any irritation while applying a good conditioner may make your beard softer. It is important to rinse the beard properly. Otherwise you might end up having flakes. Applying a facial moisturizer is a good practice in case your skin feels a bit dry after you are done with shampooing your beard.
Towel Dry
After washing your beard, you need to use a towel and pat your face gently in order to dry it out. It might seem to be tempting to blow dry your beard but it isn’t the best idea as excessive amounts of heat may go a little harsh on the skin.
Comb and Trim
Once you have grown a good looking stubble, combing it is a good practice as it allows you to get rid of any tangles. Trimming your stubble is also important in order to maintain a heavy stubble.
For personal trimming Braun products are great. Braun has developed a wide range of good electric shaver and trimmer and those are really great. You can check Braun foil shavers and trimmers online at Instant Grooming. I bet you will never be disappointed after having a look on their great products.