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How To Make Perfect Pulled Pork The Easy Way!

catering-equipment-repairA popular American dish is pulled pork and barbecue sauce but often recipes are complicated and involve substantial amounts of time and effort. The easiest method is also probably the tastiest, but needs nothing more than normal kitchen equipment and a slow cooker.

Choosing Your Slow Cooker
There are a variety of slow cookers (also known as crock pots) available on the market, with competing brands offering something to suit every budget. For practicality, it is best to choose a model with three heat settings as this will allow the cooking of the biggest range of meals and desserts. Basic models are just as effective as their more expensive counterparts. It must be large enough for your needs but compact enough to store away. With experimentation, there is a high possibility that the slow cooker will become the favourite kitchen equipment. It makes sense to choose carefully if there is not already a slow cooker in the house, as it will be a popular tool!
Pulled Pork In Just Three Simple Steps
Firstly, choose the cut of meat. Shoulder works well and is also economical. Other meats such as chicken or turkey can also be used. Place into the bowl of the slow cooker. No extra kitchen equipment needed for this step!
ke_angelopoIn a saucepan, mix tomato passata with one chopped onion, 3 tablespoons of sugar, 4 tablespoons of vinegar, 1 tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce, salt, pepper and 1 teaspoon of mustard powder. Bring this to the boil, simmer for 10 minutes, then pour over the pork in the slow cooker. By now in the kitchen equipment will smell delightful.
Cover with the lid and cook on low for 8-10 hours; when ready, serve however is preferred! With rice, chips, or salad, in bread rolls, pitta breads or with naan. There are many possibilities, each of them delicious. Children and adults alike enjoy the sweet and succulent meat and smoky barbecue sauce. Try new seasoning combinations: paprika or curry powder make interesting additions. The favourite kitchen equipment of households across the world makes all flavours incredibly rich.
A Versatile Kitchen Gadget
Not only is this dish likely to become a favourite meal, the slow cooker could well become the favourite kitchen equipment too. Almost every recipe can be translated to utilise the slow cooker, allowing busy people to return home to a freshly cooked hot meal with minimal effort when tired after a long day. Kitchen equipment is rarely this versatile, enabling meals to be prepared in the morning and enjoyed much later on. It is also possible to use a slow cooker to make sweet dishes and desserts, whether in the crock pot itself or through using a small amount of water to form a bain-marie and slowly steaming puddings in that way. The slow cooker can be adapted to suit almost any cookery style and is the latest idea to change the kitchen. It might never make it back into the store cupboard!
Evie Tye writes on the topic of food, drink and leisure for a variety of blogs and websites. A keen cook herself, she enjoys spending time in her own kitchen experimenting with new recipes and gadgets. Her favourite kitchen equipment genuinely is the slow cooker.

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