Without a doubt, Zumba has become the biggest fitness craze that the nation has seen in a very long time.
It uses fun and exciting Latin-inspired dance moves to provide a workout routine that is effective yet doesn’t feel like exercise.

The blend of both cardiovascular and strength moves help you burn fat and build muscle, all while having the time of your life.
Getting Started
Like any new workout program you need to make sure you’re drinking plenty of water throughout the day and eating properly.
One Zumba class can burn between 600 and 1,000 calories depending on duration and intensity but that doesn’t give you permission to eat junk.
It is recommended to use a Medifast coupon discount and enroll in a program that will put you on the track to success to reach your long-term goals.
Then, you need to either join a class, buy a DVD or even purchase a Zumba fitness video game available for Wii, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Kinect.
Ideally, you will join a class if possible, this is the best way to stay motivated and they are an awful good time!
Don’t worry about getting all the moves right, no one cares!
You will notice that there are only a few people who get every move right anyway and they are usually up at the front of the class to help out as guides.
Also, these are not generally expensive classes like yoga or Pilates.
Many are offered at community centers or colleges where you purchase a dance card for a certain number of sessions and they stamp it when you show up.
This means that you don’t have to worry about losing out on money if you have to miss a class which is usually the case with other types of dance classes.
Types of Zumba Classes
- Zumba – The original class is full of energy, it’s easy to do, exhilarating and you will burn a ton of calories.
- Zumba Gold – Targeting the Baby Boomer population, the moves are paced a little but slower but still provide all the same great benefits.
- Zumba Toning – Using a maraca-like toning stick, the rhythm is enhanced to target abs, arms, glutes and thighs.
- Aqua Zumba – This water-based workout is a blast! If you have a gym or YMCA in your area with a pool, chances are, they probably offer Aqua Zumba.
- Zumbatomic – Designed for kids 4 through 12, this is a great way for kids to get in some exercise, enhance coordination and increase self-confidence.
- Zumba in the Circuit – This 30 minute workout is intense! You dance, circuit train and do a whole lot of sweating!
Fitness doesn’t have to be boring.
Thanks to Alberto Beto Perez who accidentally forgot his normal music he used to teach his aerobic class one day and had to improvise with what he had in his car, a new style of exercise was born.
If you want to lose weight but dread the thought of exercise, Zumba is for you!
No matter how much time you have available, consistency is the key if you want the benefits from your workout.
There are many sites online where you can find quality instruction,
recommendations and insight, plus there are great tips at www.weightlosstriumph.com where you can find out more about how to improve your overall well-being and health.
Melissa Cameron is 33, married and has two children. While they do many things as a family, Melissa realized they were really making a lot of poor food choices.
Melissa joined her first Zumba class, eventually dragged her husband there who also loved it and now they bought Zumba for Kinect so the whole family can enjoy it together!
She is working on articles on a variety of topics including images for websites. Click here to find out more.