Writing and distributing high quality articles is a great way to gain exposure for your website. This idea is being talked about on tons of marketing and small business websites, in the most active web development forums, and in newsletters and even magazines. In order to get a great amount of traffic to any website, blog, or forum, writing topical articles and distributing them to relevant blogs is a great way to go.
But, before you start tap-tap-tapping away at your computer keyboard, there are a few things you need to know about article writing and distribution.
Why should you write and distribute articles anyway?
Every article you write should contain keywords that have to do with your website or business. Since your name is going on the article, writing them well will help your name become associated with that topic. You are essentially branding yourself.
Also, distributing these articles to relevant news sites increases your exposure both on any blogs, newsletters, or websites that copy your article to use. The most important part of the article, besides the quality of the writing itself, is the author’s biography at the bottom.

What should you put in your author’s biography?
Your author’s biography should definitely include your name, pen name, or business name. This should be the thing that you want associated closely with the topic of your article. It should also include a quick blurb about who, or what, you are. Most importantly, it should include a clickable link to the website that you are trying to advertise.
How many articles should you write?
You should write as many articles as you can. The more articles that you write, the more your name and link will get out into the internet world, and the more traffic you will get to your website. A good basic rule for building your traffic gradually is to write one article per day, per website or product that you are advertising.
How many article directories should you use?
Again, you should use as many good news related sites as you can. If you are not overly concerned with unique content, you should submit each of your articles to multiple websites. You can also change each article just a bit for each. However you choose to distribute your articles, you should concentrate on getting them out into as many places as you can.
Writing articles to promote your online business is a super idea. Focusing on how to write the articles, creating the perfect author’s biography, and the quantity of both article and submissions, are all very important. By following this easy prescription for website marketing success, you will greatly increase the amount of traffic to your website.