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Do you Have What It Takes to Become an Online Fashion Guru?

Almost ten years ago, fashion blogs and websites dedicated to capturing the best street styles around the world completely changed the way we consume fashion. Nowadays, it might seem that social media has raised this game to a whole new level, with Instagram being the hotspot for all things fashionable. But the truth is that good old fashion blogs never lost their importance, especially if we’re talking about menswear.

Male couture was always a bit on the sidelines of the whole fashion industry. While most of the online attention was focused on popular female fashion bloggers, their male counterparts quietly played their own game in the background. This may seem like a setback, but you should view it as your chance to shine, to set yourself apart with your unique twist. But, it takes more than skill and style to become a trendsetter, which is why you must dig deep into fashion marketing strategies and learn what it takes to become the leader in your niche. Read on to see if you have what it takes to become a truly successful online fashion guru.

Broaden your knowledge and expertise

No marketing trick or gimmick will work for you if you ever stop working on yourself and your education. In this line of work, essential knowledge of fashion management and fashion marketing and communication is critical. Despite what most think, mastering the art of fashion marketing takes years of practice, and gaining some form of formal education in this field will only push you forward.

There is a number of (online and offline) postgraduate programmes that will suit the needs of most fashionistas, but for male entrepreneurs in business, we recommend something like this master course in fashion management. The strong side of today’s programs is that they include real-life case studies and base their lessons on the success (or failures) of genuine contemporary projects. This kind of approach gives a thorough insight into the challenges and overall conditions of today’s market, which helps students predict new trends and target the right audience at the right time.

Build a website of strong structure and great quality

Well-structured fashion blogs and websites might not be timeless, but are definitely classy. This is a perfect platform for individuals to present themselves and further perfect their fashion marketing skills and boost their careers in the industry. While Instagram posts seem too crowded in this tiny little platform, blogs allow their users to breathe and grow – not just in numbers, but also in regards to the quality of their work.

This is why you need to learn how to tell stories, both through pictures, the articles, and the overall appeal of your outfits. The most successful bloggers out there, both male and female, are essentially great storytellers; what they do best is present their own vision in an easily understandable and relatable manner.

Find your unique niche and stick to it

You have to be aware of the fact that we live in 2018 and that most of the things available today have been put on the same shelves decades ago. In other words, there is a small chance for you to put something new on the table, so the real question is: how will you do it? Do you have a secret talent or a surprise trick in your well-tailored sleeve? What makes you stand out?

Only once you understand your strong suit you will be able to invent your own narrative. And think twice about what you want to accomplish with your blog. If your goal is to start a professional styling service, try engaging yourself with local craftsmen and other potential collaborators, because styling is not a one-man operation. If, on the other hand, your goal is to become a successful model and a brand ambassador, be aware that in this case, your personality is much more important than the way you dress.

Surround yourself with other professionals

Running a creative business is not an easy task and every now and then you will need help. Sometimes you will need someone to run the numbers, or have a glimpse of your next project, help develop your marketing strategy, or simply help you pick the right tie. Yet no matter what the case is, you want things to run smoothly, which is why you need to expand your social circle and start hanging out with professionals of various backgrounds. Long gone are the days when all you needed was a BlogSpot account and a handful of good photographs. Team up with a good SEO strategist, a motivated content manager, and someone to help you accelerate your social media presence. Finally, accept the fact that every fashion guru needs an internet guru as well, because behind every successful influencer stands a reliable “tech guy”.

Today’s fashion game is more complicated than ever, with new technological developments forcing everyone to re-evaluate their media presence, reshape their strategies and even reinvent themselves. In other words, it is a perfect playing field for creatives and out-of-the-box thinkers who can provide new answers to old questions. Are you game?

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