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Babes In Thailand: A Look At The Booming Thai Villa Industry

Villas tend to conjure up images of Mediterranean grandeur. People traditionally associate them with everything from the decadence of Rome, to the quiet beauty of the Italian countryside, to the pomp and circumstance of France. Still, as wonderful as all these places are, if you’ve visited them over and over, their villas can start to feel a little alike, and begin to lose their magic, if only temporarily. If this is you and you’re looking for a new experience to make you love the world of luxury villas all over again, look no further than Thailand. The small Asian nation has a booming tourism trade, of which one of the more interesting attractions and industries is Thailand’s very own villas. On the one hand, being villas, they offer something comforting and familiar to a Western traveller, and yet being Thai villas and distinctly so, these options nevertheless can help keep your travel experience fresh.

Here, then, is a look at the villa industry in Thailand, and how you might go about renting out a place for the summer there yourself.

Thai Accomplishments

Thailand has a long and proud history of being and remaining a distinct culture, which is an impressive accomplishment given the nation with which it shares a border. China has long stood as a massive social, cultural, and political juggernaut, and yet for all that Thailand remains distinct. This is reflected in their villas, which in everything from their shape and ornamentation to their modern-day administration tend to vary significantly from Chinese options. This is especially true around the capital, Bangkok, which is a world city, one that has long stood as one of the crown jewels of East Asia and retains that status today.

If you’re looking for the full Thai villa experience, there’s no better option than the countryside in and around Bangkok. In addition, you’ll want to take full advantage of the wonderful Thai cuisine in the area, with many of the nation’s best chefs and culinary as well as cultural wonders just waiting for you to eat, drink, and be merry. Yet another area you’ll want to look into is the resort city of Hua Hin. As another of the great cities in the region, Hua Hin rivals and in some instances even surpasses Bangkok’s accomplishments villa-wise. It is well-worth attention, especially if you don’t want to give the ‘cliché’ answer as to where you spent your Thai holiday. Villa rental in Hua Hin is a great way to score travel bragging rights with your buddies.

What’s Offered

Thailand is a nation known for its hospitality, and that’s certainly a tradition which carries over into its luxury villas. These places often include major golf courses, great restaurant and bar options, a pool, fully equipped spa areas, fitness centres, fine dining for sampling the absolute best in Thai cuisine, fine parking and security options, and much more.

If you’re looking for a new villa experience and are in the mood for an Asian adventure, you’ll definitely want to give Thailand a try.

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