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Common Skin Care Myths

With new skin care products hitting the market constantly and being convinced to try the newest trends in how we should take care of our skin, how do we know what really works and what we should be doing differently? To be sure that we are taking the best care of our skin, it’s important that we can separate the myth from the reality.
The More the Better
To get extra hydration for dry skin, you would think that the thicker the moisturizer is, the better it will work. Although, using a moisturizer on skin that is too thick will end up trapping dead skin cells on the surface. This is what leaves your complexion looking seemingly dull. Instead of buying a heavy moisturizer, get one that has a gel or a gel/cream combination.

No Sun, No Sunscreen
It’s pretty obvious that when you go to the beach, you need to put on sunscreen. We also know how important it is to use sunscreen or a product with sunscreen in it, even when we’re not at the beach. Whether you’re at the beach or getting ready for a day out doing errands, you might consider skipping the sunscreen if skies look overcast. Nixing sunscreen even when there is no sun doesn’t mean that skin is safe. Clouds don’t filter out UVA rays, which means that skin is still susceptible to the sun, even if you don’t see it. UVA rays, which cause skin to tan, penetrate skin deep and UVB rays are responsible for sunburns. To make sure that skin is well protected against harmful sunrays, buy a broad-spectrum sunscreen that protects against both UVA and UVB rays.
Exfoliating is Harsh
Exfoliating is great for skin. It gets rid of dead skin cells on the surface so they don’t clog pores leaving you with breakouts and a bland complexion. It also helps so other skin care products get through the surface to work better. Questions around whether or not exfoliating is or isn’t drying for skin and can have you leery about trying it. As it turns out, it’s actually pretty important to exfoliate, but only if you keep it to a minimum (do it once or twice a week). Any more than that can cause dryness and irritation.
Oily Skin Doesn’t Need More Moisturizer
To use a moisturizer on oily skin seems like the exact opposite of what you should do. Contradictory to what you might think, people with oily skin do need a moisturizer. The difference here is that skin doesn’t need more oil. This is why oil-free moisturizers are great for people that have oily skin. If you have more of a combination skin, use a fluid-rich lotion. Apply this to your T-zone where you are most likely oily. Then you can use a richer moisturizer for the parts of your face that feel a little drier.
Showers Keep Skin Moist
It’s enjoyable to take a nice, long shower. It’s relaxing, we feel squeaky clean after, and we think we are helping our skin. Instead, showers can strip the moisture and natural oils from skin leaving it dry. To help prevent this, cut down shower time and turn down the hot water a bit.
Scrubbing Gets Everything
Just because you scrubbed harder, doesn’t mean that skin is cleaner. When you cleanse skin rigorously, you end up removing the oil and natural barriers that are supposed to protect skin. This causes irritation rashes and can even tear skin. Next time you go to clean your skin, be gentle, use a mild product, and always finish up with a moisturizer and sunscreen.
The Pricier the Better
Put your wallet away. You don’t have to buy the most expensive skin care products in the store to get the best results. Take a look at the ingredients in the products in question. Chances are, you can find a similar product at a more affordable price. Even better, look into homemade, natural products you can make for yourself in the comfort of your own home. Both the cleansing process and results will be rewarding.
Autumn Wallace wrote this article on behalf of

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