When you’ve treated yourself to a new car, or you’ve happily had your trusty old banger for years, it’s always possible your current vehicle simply doesn’t have all the facilities and features within it that you would like. Sure some sweet rims, a built in fridge and custom paint job would be great, but when funds aren’t flowing freely, any upgrades really need to be practical ones that don’t cost the earth. Just a few simple, practical upgrades can make your driving experience much more comfortable, and make your car look much more modern.
Here are some simple vehicle upgrades that won’t break the bank:
Tire Upgrades
If you have a geriatric vehicle, or an economy style car, you will more than likely have a set of tires that could be better. Yes, your standard tyre enables you to drive around without any issues, but they don’t do your vehicle or in some cases your safety any favours in the long run. Your tires should suit the weather in your area or country. All tyres are designed to work well on your standard road, but some will struggle in the rain, snow or on difficult terrain. If the area you live in is prone to certain weather – get a tyre to suit it. You will also want durable tyres that last a long time. It’s very hard to estimate how long a tyre will last because it depends on where you drive and how you drive. However, it stands to reason that the higher the grade of tyre, the longer it will last. Whichever tyres you choose, make sure you opt to replace all your tyres so you’re running on the same quality front and back.

Personalised Number Plates
Private plates aren’t expensive, in fact they tend to cost less than £500. That might seem like a lot but, compared to other steep car modifications, it’s not really much at all. Plus, they will last you forever and you can move them from vehicle to vehicle too – they really are a great investment. Just remember that you have to fill out a V317 form and pay £80 to swap your plates over.
You’ll already have gadgets you can use in the car, but have you got the most attractive and sleek way of powering those gadgets in your car? It’s not slick to have your iPhone falling into the footwell after the first speed hump, or spending 15 minutes tackling a million wires just to get it on charge. Invest in a two port USB car adapter which won’t cost much and will enable you to charge not one, but two phones or gadgets – no more fighting over who’s phone has the lowest battery. You should also get some retractable cables. Normal cables are fine but they can be so long they get in the way, so it’s worth investing in some specifically for your vehicle that don’t flop all over the place.
Your Sound System
Cheaper cars or old cars generally have rubbish sound systems which involve CD players, radios or if they are really basic – tape players. If your car has a radio and tape deck you can buy a cassette adapter which will enable you to add an auxiliary output. If your car has a radio and CD player but doesn’t have an auxiliary input you’ve got a few choices, but most of them involve some annoying restrictions or result in sound capabilities that really aren’t worth the stress. In this instance, it’s probably worth you stumping up the cash and getting a new sound system, or simply embracing the radio and your treasured CD collection.
Remember, these are just a few ideas for upgrading your vehicle if you feel it needs sprucing up a bit, but you don’t have the cash to invest in high-end mods. Regardless of the modifications you do choose to complete, remember to always keep your driving safety in mind, and abide by the law. Completing modifications yourself might be an achievement but it won’t be much fun if it causes you to crash, gain a fine or at worst, go to prison.