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The 2020 Car Technology Countdown

The 2020 Car Technology Countdown

The beginning of the new decade is expected to bring a lot of new technological advancements with itself. These technologies have been developing over the time and will be ready for a commercial use by the late 2010’s or the early 2020’s. We’ve conducted a list of the most interesting and the most beneficial car technologies that are slowly making their way into our lives.

1. Autonomous Cars

Though the dream of self –driving, fully autonomous cars is still far away from reaching a commercial level, in the year 2020 cars will be able to navigate in rural areas with lighter traffic.

However drivers can hand over some of the controls to their smart vehicles. For instance the sophisticated sensor system will be able to apply the brakes when needed. It’s expected that this technology will dramatically decrease the number of car accidents caused by human error and make driving safer and more convenient. Of course that will ask for an advanced car servicing centres too.

The 2020 Car Technology Countdown

2. Biometric Identification System

By 2020 you’ll be able to unlock and start your car with your sole body only. Your fingertips or eyeballs will grant you access to your car, making it more burglar resistant.

3. Head-up Displays

This technology is well known and used in the past, but it can be improved and find a greater purpose with its development. By the year of 2020 your car will offer you a better sun protection, advanced night vision, adapted contrast etc.

4. GPS Vehicle Shutdown

This type of technology has caused a vast debate, since its misuse can have very serious consequences. Remote car shutdown is now being used by auto lenders that will disable the car’s engine by GPS if the owners haven’t paid their car loans. However if we flip the coin, this technology will help the owners to shut down their stolen cars and get them back. It’s expected that by 2020 this technology will commercialize and that the misuse happening now will be decreased and regulated.

5. Health Monitoring

Imagine having a car with seatbelt and steering wheel sensor that will keep track of your vital functions and measure your heart rate and blood pressure while driving. When in a potential danger from a heart attack or any other health emergency, your car will call the paramedics for you, by giving out your location and will pull over thanks to the basic vehicle autonomy technology.

Four Cylinder Cars- One of the leading vehicle manufacturers Ford has presented their GT supercar that operates with a twin-turbo v6, meaning it packs more than 600 horsepower. These supercars cost a fortune now, but will become more affordable over the next five years.

The future is moving fast towards us brining changes and advancements into our everyday lives. We can’t wait to test out these car technologies that are promising a brighter future for every driver. With having safety first in- mind, traffic is about to become safer for both drivers and pedestrians. But until then, keep your eyes on the road and drive cautiously.

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