If you are looking for a new job or career right now, then you need to have the right plan. Going into the interview process blind could keep you from getting the position you deserve. So make sure you know how to get past HR. Use the tips below to ensure you always make the best impression and land whatever dream job you are currently after:

Clean Up Social
If you don’t have a social media presence that you are proud of, it’s time to change that. In today’s world, you have to have a great presence online. The first thing that your employer is going to do is Google you.
If they don’t find something they like, they will simple move on to the next candidate. One of the biggest things to be certain of is that you don’t have any criminal activities or negative opinions that might offend someone. Secondly, make sure your profile is the best, most professional picture of you that you own.
There is a classic mantra of under promising and over delivering. The reality is that today you need to stand out however you can. You cannot under promise any longer if you want to get the attention of HR and anyone else involved in that decision of bringing you onboard. Tell them all the amazing things that you have accomplished.
List your successes from past employers. Then share with them your big ideas, dreams, and goals. Really get them excited to bring you onto the team. Then, they will find a way to hire you.
Follow Up Like a Pro
Professionals follow up. It’s how they get into the heads of the HR department and get hired over other people. If you don’t follow up currently after interviews, this one tip could land you your next dream job. Drop a physical letter in the mail to your interviewing manager and let them know how much you appreciate their time. They will be sure to remember you in a positive light.
Search In The Right Places
Once you are ready to be placed for a position be smart about your job search. It’s not enough to have a resume that says you work smart, show an employer that you work smart. Utilize tools like recruitment agencies that specialize in your field of work. There are recruitment agencies that specialize in all manner of fields, from call centers, assembly lines, to translation services and general practitioner jobs.
Avoiding a job search with lots of irrelevant jobs will let you choose between the ones you are best equipped for. Working with an agency is a win-win for you and the employer.
In the work field today, you need to have something that really gives you the edge. Otherwise, you might find person after person is just getting the job before you. Use the tips above. They will help you navigate the wild world of work today and find a fit that is going to light you up inside, in addition to adding more to your bank account and bottom line.