High school seniors are in an interesting predicament right now – they are worrying about finishing up final projects and getting ready for finals in order to graduate,
but, at the same time, they’re trying to figure out what might be one of the most important decisions of their lifetime:
What college should they attend to prepare them for a transition into adulthood.

If you live in the state of Texas or are looking to move someone warmer, one of the many colleges in Dallas, Texas might be a good idea.
Now why would you want to check out Dallas rather than let’s say Los Angeles or Phoenix? Let’s take a look at what makes Dallas an academic choice over others:
- You’ll have a great shot at finding a job right away: Dallas is a financial industry powerhouse and has the sixth largest economy in the country.
If you’re looking for a job at a Fortune 500 company, Dallas has the third most number of Fortune 500 companies in the country as well.
If not, there are a variety of jobs available in the healthcare, energy, education and telecommunications industries.
Forbes listed Dallas as the eighth best city for business and careers because of the number of jobs out there.
Because the pressure to get a job right after graduations is so high, Dallas is a welcome place for graduates of any discipline.
- There are plenty of things to do as well: Although your parents might want to tell you otherwise, college is not just about academics and studying.
For many, college is the first time they’re away from home, and it is a time when many find themselves socially.
Dallas offers no shortage of things to do. If you’re into the arts, the northern downtown arts section includes a number of museums, symphonies, and performance halls.
If you’re into sports, the Mavericks, Stars and Cowboys call Dallas home. Finally, you can’t go to school at Dallas without checking out the State Fair of Texas in Fair Park.
- There are a variety of schools to choose from: I’m not going to list all of the schools in the city because that would be too much, but whatever type of school you’re looking for,
you’re sure to find colleges in Dallas, TX that match your needs.
As with any major metropolitan center, a number of academic institutions call Dallas home, including public schools, private schools and community colleges.
No matter the academic endeavor you’re ready to begin, you’re sure to find a college in Dallas, TX that will help guide you to where you need to go.
If you like what you hear, you might want to make a trip out to Dallas, TX and see these things firsthand.
If you do decide that you want to attend a school in the area, make sure to visit the school, review their mission statement and programs,
and check out some of the faculty publications to see if the school matches your needs as a student. And don’t forget to review your financing options.
By putting major thought into your decision and performing the proper due diligence, you should be able to make a good decision, relatively stress-free.
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Marietta has always had an interest in helping graduating seniors choose which college is going to be best for them.