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Which Celebrity Woman Has Made It To The Top 50 List?

Which Celebrity Woman Has Made It To The Top 50 List?

Celebrity names on the top 50 most popular women on the internet—is your favorite celebrity listed too? It is quite easy to find out if your favorite celebrity has made it to the top 50 or not. Here is how you can do it –

The first place to look for information on your favorite celebrities is no longer a magazine or press flyer, it is the internet! Every single detail of what is happening around the world, and more importantly, with the famous women you are interested in is available in striking details on the internet.

Based on user statistics, a list of the most searched for women on the internet has been compiled. This takes into account the names that are most often searched for through google and similar search engines. The fact that these women are constantly looked for on the internet is itself proof for the popularity they possess with the masses.

The Name in the Top 50 — is your Favorite Celebrity Here?

The top positions on the list are occupied by women like Rihanna, M.I.A and Lana Del Ray. These women are awesome performers with a huge fan following, it is no wonder that they are so popular on the internet too. The greater part of the list is occupied by women from pop and rock music. Given that the current generation and the last were equally smitten by music of various genres, this comes as no surprise. Do you love Beyonce, or did you love Britney? Well, you won’t be disappointed because both of them are on the list.

Which Celebrity Woman Has Made It To The Top 50 List?

The other names include women from the silver screen and Hollywood too. Leading actresses and TV stars who have carved their niche in their work are also listed here. This includes actresses and TV stars from both the older generation as well as those who are in the limelight right now. You will find names like Emma Watson, Taylor Swift, Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Lopez and Scarlett Johannson.

Some Unexpected Names are Present Too

It is not only beauty and talent, but notoreity too that causes some women to make it to this list. Kim Kardashian, for example, is one of the least liked celebrities. So is Paris Hilton. Yet, both of them have a position on this list.

Apart from this reason, there are also others like Oprah Winfrey and Heidi Klum, who have made their place in the hearts of the women and men of the world, and are always looked for. Women who contribute to creating a difference are high on this list. This includes Angelina Jolie who is always an intrigue for the various roles she portrays, her personal stories are also inspirational, to say the least.

Another person is Lady Gaga, who is different as far as the word can go! Her music is different, her appearances always leave tongues wagging, and in short she is constantly searched for on the internet, and makes it to the top 10 search results.

It is most likely that you will find your favorite celebrity on this list. Just think of it, do you ever search for information on her by googling for it? Then, you would have already contributed to putting her on this list, which is after all, that of the top 50 most popular women on the internet! So, what are you waiting for? Log on to the internet now and find out if your favorite celebrity artist, movie actor, personality and music icons have made it to being the most popular women on the World Wide Web or not.

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