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When to Replace Your Car’s Tires and How to See The Warning Signs

When to Replace Your Car’s Tires and How to See The Warning Signs

Trying to get by with tires that may be long past their prime can lead to many problems. Worn tires are not able to provide the same level of traction, control, or performance that drivers may be expecting. Failing to spot the signs that your tires are overdue for a replacement could negatively impact your fuel economy, contribute to decreased ride quality, or pose a potentially-serious safety risk. Checking your car’s tires regularly will both help keep you safe and also end up saving you money on the long run in terms of maintenance and replacement. Below are several things to consider when you want to make sure your car’s tires are always up to snuff.

Tire Rotation

Tire wear depends on many factors, including factors like tire placement, inflation levels, and even driving habits. Rotating the tires at set intervals helps to minimize uneven wear and provides vehicle owners with a chance to check pressure levels and inspect existing tread wear. If you possess the tools and know-how required for the job, you can even do the work yourself but if not, you would do well to find a mechanic who can assist you. Learning how to replace a tire yourself is also a useful skill to have in general in case of any kind of flat tire that you may experience. Having the know-how to get things done yourself in a pinch could save you money and time. Even if you don’t know how to do it yourself, you want to make sure to have the number of a trusty mechanic nearby in order to ensure that you will get the help you need in a timely manner. Seeing the same mechanic for a long time would also help build up a rapport between the two of you and could even save you money.

Visual Inspection

You don’t have to wait for your next rotation in order to inspect the state and condition of your tires. Making it a habit to check your tire pressure on a weekly basis or when filling up at the gas station can also provide you with the perfect opportunity to perform a visual inspection. Excessive tread wear, balding tires, or the presence of an impaled object or other visible signs of damage could mean that it is time to replace your existing set. There’s a common rule where you can use a penny to tell if the tread of your tires is too low. Simply place a penny with Lincoln’s head facing the tire. If the tread covers the top of his head, you’re good to go. If the tread doesn’t reach his head, it may be time to get your tires replaced. While this is not an exact science, it is a handy way to tell if you need to get your car’s tires checked out by a professional. These types of tricks can also help you from scheduling too many appointments with someone because you are worried about your car, which could end up costing a lot of money even when repairs aren’t actually needed.

Consult the Manual

Some tires are made for endurance while others, especially high-performance tires, may have a much shorter service life. Finding genuine Nissan tires can be a much easier undertaking after consulting your owner’s manual in order to ensure that you are able to seek out and select the best options for your next set. It is also a good idea to have the dealership, or a qualified mechanic inspect your tires once they have begun to approach the end of their useful service life. Here again, the services of a qualified mechanic are key. If you have someone who is trustworthy to help you whenever your car’s manual says you need to have your tires checked can be really helpful. It may even be a good idea to schedule a regular yearly appointment with a mechanic to get your car checked out to make sure that it is running smoothly. Doing so would help give you the piece of mind that your car is working well.

Replacing a Single Tire Verses the Entire Set

While it is always more convenient to replace an entire set in order to ensure that the tires wear out in an even fashion, it may not always be the most cost-effective option. Patching, repairing, or replacing a single tire that has suffered damage can help to keep costs from getting out of hand. When you’re considering replacing just a single tire, don’t forget about your car’s spare tire as well. That tire also needs to be kept in good shape so that you can be sure to use it whenever any problems may arise. It may seem silly getting your car’s spare tire replaced, but it is much better to have it in tip top shape than have it be flat or bald when you need it the most. Because the spare tire is for emergencies, it is one of the most important pieces of your car that can commonly be overlooked. Another helpful way to make sure that an individual car tire is ok would be to get a small, car powered, air pump. That way, if your car’s tire is slowly losing pressure, you can fill it up until you can take it back to a professional.

Driving on tires that are excessively worn or pushing your existing set too far can increase the risk of a blowout. Even minor wear can reduce ride quality of find you paying more than you might expect to at the pump. Knowing when to replace your car’s tires is not a matter that should be taken lightly. Following the above steps, and investing in a little love and care, can keep your car running for a long time. Because tires are such an easy point of failure, it’s always important to keep your car’s tires up to shape and running well. That way, you will know that your car is going to be safe when you’re out and about on the road.

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