Keeping in view the rising crimes in day-to-day life including thefts, burglary or even life-threats to important as well as common people, the need and importance of security companies is increasing day by day. Apart from this, other factors responsible for increasing demand of security are internal and external threatening factors such as natural or situational calamities.
In order to meet the security demands of so many people and organizations all across the globe, various security companies such as security companies London are operating at different places. Since different types of security companies offer different types of security services to the clients therefore it is very essential to be careful while selecting any security company as per individual needs of the place or person concerned. In this article, we will discuss about various types of securities provided by the security companies.
Personalized Security
This type of security is mostly meant for important or renowned people such as politicians, celebrities, sports person etc. Even a common man who fears threat to his/her life from someone or due to some suspicious sources or circumstances can avail this type of security. The security companies provide personalized security guards for this purpose. The guards may be armed or unarmed as per requirement. The security guards accompany the person or the persons everywhere for whom security is required.

Security in the Form of Alarms
It refers to use of such gadgets such as fire alarms, buzzers, burglar alarms or other alarms which may alert the inmates of the property about some unexpected and threatening incidence at their place. It may be breaking out of fire, leakage of some explosives, intrusion of burglars or thefts or unknown people into the concerned property. The inmates are alerted so that requisite protective measures may be taken to prevent any uncalled for damage to the property or the living beings.
CCTV Cameras
It is yet another form of security which is provided by the security companies. It includes coverage of the concerned place all through day and night or as per unique requirements of the clients so as to have record of everything happening at a place. Such type of security is mostly required by financial institutions such as banks or finance companies or industrial units/factories to have complete information or knowledge about people visiting the concerned place.
Key Holding Security
It is a type of security which is offered to such clients who have to stay away from their property for a long time. In such a case, the external security agency is held responsible for the security of the concerned property in the absence of the owners. The external security agency keeps a set of keys for the property so that the protective or preventative measures may be taken in case anything wrong happens at the property. The relevant security company is responsible for complete security of the property from almost all types of threats or dangers such as burglars, thefts, fire, electrical short circuit etc.
After having complete knowledge about different types of security provided by the security companies, a person can choose one which fulfils all his/her security requirements.