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Ways To Treat Ringworm Infection Naturally At Home

Ways To Treat Ringworm Infection Naturally At Home

Ringworm is a skin infection not caused by a worm as it may seem, but by a fungus. It occurs most often in a moist and warm climate, which helps it to grow and thrive. Iinitially, it surfaces as a red patch on the infected area of the skin and then later spreads to the other parts of the body like feet, groin, scalp etc. Ringworm is contagious and can be passed from person to person by getting in direct contact with not just only the infected person, but also animals and by sharing personal items.

Anyone can develop a ringworm, but it is very common among children and people who own pets. So, look out for these symptoms depending upon where you are infected:

  • Raised, itchy scaly and red patches

  • Patches that resemble a ring, blisters or when it begins to ooze

  • Edges of the patches that are raised and defined.

Treat them timely, with the natural remedies given below at your home before it turns into a life threatening condition.

  1. Turmeric

Recent studies have focused on the benefits of turmeric to fight skin infections and reduce inflammation because of it’s anti-septic, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, fresh turmeric roots or turmeric oil can be used to treat the ringworm skin infection.


1tsp Turmeric root/ powder or oil


How to use:

Crush or grind the turmeric root, use some water, if required. But, if you are using the powder, add a few drops of water to it to make the paste. Apply it on the infected area directly and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Wash it with a mild soap and luke warm water to remove the stain. Or, simply apply a few drops of turmeric oil on the infected skin.

  1. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is said to be rich in caprylic acid, capric acid and lauric acid with anti-fungal, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties. They target the harmful bacteria leaving behind the friendly ones. Form ancient times, it has been used to treat such infections and others.


Unrefined and non-hydrogenated coconut oil

How to use:

Apply the coconut oil 3-4 times a day on the infected area. Leave it after you message it for a few minutes. Follow this process religiously, specially before going to bed. Within a few weeks, you will be more than happy to see the results.

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar

This fermented product is made from aged and crushed apples. Therefore, it is high in phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, etc. It will never disappoint you, when it comes to treating fungal infections, irrespective of the fact where it is.


Apple cider vinegar

Cotton ball

How to use:

Do a skin test first before applying it on the infected area. If it burns, it means you are sensitive to apple cider vinegar. If not, then with the help of a cotton ball apply it on your ringworm rash 3-4 times a day or leave the towel soaked in apple cider vinegar for half an hour, twice a day.

  1. Neem

Neem is an ayurvedic medicine used for hair and skincare. Because of its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, they are quite effective for skin infection. They soothe and reduce the inflammation and irritation at the same time without drying out the skin.


½ tsp of neem leaf powder

A few drops of water


Neem oil

How to use:

Mix the power with water to make a paste and then apply it directly onto the ringworm infected area 2-3 times a day. If you are using neem oil then apply it to the skin 1-2 times a day.

  1. Garlic Extract

If you are not a fan of garlic yet, then you will turn into one because, the list of its benefits is quite long. Apart from its ability to efficiently fight bacterial, fungal and viral infection of the skin it can be used for detoxification, toothache, earache, boosting immune system, to fight of cancer and many more.


2 Garlic cloves

3 tbsp Honey

3 tbsp Olive oil

How to use:

Crush the garlic cloves to make a fine paste. Add honey and olive oil to it, mix well and apply it on the ringworm affected area. Leave it for an hour and then wash it with luke warm water.

  1. Lemongrass

Lemongrass is a herb which is naturally anti-microbial, antiseptic and fungicidal in nature. With it antiseptic abilities it can heal wounds perfectly and the anti-microbial properties, in the case of ringworm infection kills the fungus and inhibits its growth. To benefit from it, it can be consumed in the form of tea and applied in the form of a paste or oil directly.


Lemongrass leaves


How to use:

Grind the lemongrass leaves, to make a fine paste add a little buttermilk instead of water. Apply this paste on the infected area and leave it for 20-30 minutes before you wash it with luke warm water.

  1. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has been traditionally used as an anti-fungal and antiseptic for treating skin infections and wounds. It is very much capable of treating different fungal infections, such as ringworm, fungal nail infections, athlete’s foot etc. Make sure to handle it well as this oil is very strong and toxic. Dilute it, if required for application.


½ tbsp tea tree oil

sterilized cotton ball

How to use:

Wash the infected skin using an organic tea tree oil body soap and then dry it. Soak the cotton ball in tea tree oil. Apply it on the ringworm infected area. If you feel it irritates your skin, then add a few drops of water to dilute the oil and then apply it 3-4 times a day.

  1. Raw Papaya

As the papaya ripens the enzyme level in it declines. Therefore, choose an unripened green papaya because it is well known for healing the problematic skin conditions and infections. It possess the ability to remove dead skin from the top most layer of the skin where the ringworm fungus grows and dwells, leaving behind the healthy cell unharmed. Thus, it proves to be a soothing remedy for the infection.


Raw sliced papaya

How to use:

Cut the raw papaya into slices, if you have not yet. Take one slice and rub it on the ringworm rash. Or, simply make a paste of it and then apply it on the infected area 1-2 times a day. Leave it on for about 15-20 minutes and then wash off with luke warm water.

Even though, when prevention is better than cure. The best way to prevent this skin infection from spreading to the other parts of the body and your loved ones is by making sure to treat the symptoms when they surface with the best home remedies given above. So, choose a better tomorrow for yourself and others!

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