Many people stay in a relationship even though they are unhappy not understanding the negative affects it has on their health. A toxic relationship can contribute to depression and fatigue and many other health problems. However most relationships can be improved through counseling and learning how to talk to each other. Preventing both parties from becoming unsatisfied and unhappy in their relationships.
Learn To Talk
Many people are great at communicating to people but just not with their partner. Something about not having boundaries can let a conversation turn into an argument. Set your boundaries first before talking about the hard topics and agree that you will let the other person talk without interrupting or yelling. Don’t play the blame game either because this can escalate quite quickly. Just stick to the facts, what’s happening and why you don’t like it and then work out how to improve it.

Not Being Open
With every relationship there is compromise. Too often, parties of a relationship, complain that their partners don’t understand them. Whether it’s their eating habit, sports addiction or bedroom fetishes. Being in a relationship means being open to your partners needs. He may have a used panties fetish, more common than you think, if you don’t want him buying used panties from women then give him some of yours. He may not have told you but many guys find used panties sexy and kinky. It can act as a reminder of a special time or a tease for what’s to come. Don’t automatically shut your partner down when they bring up their fetishes as it could lead to them being secretive in the future. By reaching comprise with each other’s habits you will encourage an opening and honest relationship.
Sharing Responsibilities
Many females find that they always have to be the mature ones and take care of all the responsibilities. This can make them begrudge their partner. To prevent this from happening talk to your partner about it and ask him to share the responsibilities with you. Agreed to a schedule even if it’s just him washing the dishes once a week. Let them know that even if it seems like a small thing it affects you negatively. A lot of the time men don’t purposely leave everything for their partner to do. They just forget and women beat them to it. Genetically men put themselves first without even thinking while females generally think about the people around them first. This may have been a habit that has been brought into the relationship right at the beginning when you were trying to impress the other person. All that you have to do is mention it to them and say that you appreciated how he would help out like when you first started dating.
A healthy relationship means a healthy life and there’s nothing more important. That’s why it is important to reassess your relationship every now and then and work on areas that frustrate you or that can be improved. You don’t want it to fall into a routine that can’t be fixed.