Engine rebuilders work, see and believe in solid things. They keep overhauling engines day in and day out and keep churning out cheaper engines that help people save money.
However, these folks are not alwayts virtual-savvy. They make basic calling card websites and do not pay much attention to them thereafter. So, especially for these folks, here is a checklist that will help them create very useful and friendly websites:

Website Usability Checklist
Every website page must load in quick time – in a couple of seconds. So, ensure that each webpage is anywhere between 100-150 kb in size (excluding CSS and images).
- Is the text readable? Or, have you used a background that does not contrast with the text?
- Is your font spacing and size just right? You don’t want to turn away visitors because you messed up your type.
- Have you used Flash sparingly? Flash takes long to load and works well mostly for gaming, entertainment and multimedia sites.
- Have you got all your tags (Title, description, H1, H2, alt) written in a user- and search engine-friendly manner?
- Does your site have 301 redirects and customized Not-Found page (404 page)?
- Have you placed your logo in a prominent area? Is it linked to the home page?
- Can your visitors understand, within seconds, what each website page is all about?
- Have you created an absolutely impressive About Us page that inspires confidence in your visitors?
- Have you properly listed your contact information (phone, email, web form, physical address)?
- Is your site easy to navigate? If it isn’t you’ll lose traffic.
- Is your navigation menu concise? You should ideally restrict your site to 7-8 main categories.
- Are all your call-to-action buttons big, bold and beautiful?
- Are all the links blue and underlined?
- Is you site search efficient? Have you placed it in a prominent area (upper right hand corner)?
- Have you included headings (H1 tag) and subheadings (H2 tag) for each page? These can make for some awesome SEO.
- Does your main content appear above the fold? Pushing it below the immediately-viewable screen area will irritate visitors.
- Is your website’s color scheme consistent?
- Have you stuffed your site with ads and pop-ups? For heaven’s sake – don’t.
- Have you posted great content that reads like it is written by a professional writer, and in native English?
- Have you included meaningful keyphrases in each URL?
- Have you ensured that your URLs do not contain junk characters?
So, well, follow this checklist to create a robust rebuilt engines website that appeals to both users and search engines.
Featured images:
- License: Royalty Free or iStock source: http://officeimg.vo.msecnd.net/en-us/images/MH900315431.jpg
Karl H. Clark is a blogger with a fetish for building websites and rebuilt engines for cars and trucks (don’t ask us why).