The more we use our cars over the years, the faster the parts wear out. Even though we have to deal with repairing the exterior on a regular basis, we sometimes have to work on the inside as well. Leather steering wheels are one of these repairs. It can feel like a huge burden having to repair one, but it certainly can be done at home. Instead of going out to get a new one, you can get just as much accomplished by following these few simple steps.
1. The first step for repairing your leather steering wheel is to spread a large plastic sheet underneath it and over everything in the surrounding area to prevent any unwanted spills or messes. This job does require some use of messy materials, so it’s a good idea to protect the rest of your interior area.
2. In a small spray bottle, mix together 2 ounces of each of the following ingredients: acetone, ammonia, rubbing alcohol and water. This solution will be able to deep clean your steering wheel and prepare it for its new layer later on. Before spraying the mixture, mix it up really well so that it blends enough all together. Then spray the mixture all over the leather steering wheel.
3. Next, rub the solution deeply into the leather with a plastic scouring pad. The purpose of this is to get rid of all the excess dirt, grime and oil. You should be able to notice that it’s starting to work within minutes. Either way, give it a very thorough scrubbing as you will want it to last you for quite some time without having to do this again in the near future.

4. Now it is time to let the wheel dry for a little bit. While it’s doing that, look for any small holes on any part of the steering wheel. Take note of each one that you find, and if they happen to be smaller than your thumbnail it will be easy to repair them during this same process.
5. Once the steering wheel is completely dry, go ahead and fill each hole with some gel super glue. Then arrange the loose leather fibers and pull them over the glue so that they stick and are somewhat secure over the area. Make sure that each one is in contact with the glue and let it dry. Then take some sandpaper and sand down all the surrounding areas around the glue sections.
6. After that, apply a water sealer over the leather and allow it to completely dry before adding a coat of adhesion promoter. By doing these steps, it allows the steering wheel’s leather to absorb and keep the dye in a much more solid state. Needless to say that this is a very important step and it shouldn’t be forgotten.
7. Next, completely coat and cover the steering wheel with the automotive leather dye spray. In order to get the best finish in the end, it may be necessary to apply the leather dye more than once. So give it as many layers and coats that you see fit until you get the desired shade you want.
8. Finally, you will have to spray on a layer of satin finish clear coat all over the area that has the dye on it. This is the finish touch and will complete the process. However, you must let everything be dry to the touch before removing the protective plastic and be able to drive your car again.
Written by Marc Laferierre, owner of Dents Unlimited. Dents Unlimited offers the best auto repair Columbia MO has to offer!