There is a variety of slot machines, games in casinos, sport bets, etc. They all have their own rules but there is one commonality: the owners of these machines and the managers of these games get very rich. The machines and bets are built and designed in such a fashion that gamblers WON’T win. If it was different, then how could they exist and go on? You are not as innocent to think that you might come up with a way how to be more intelligent than those machines and cause their owners to lose money?

The role of mathematicians and psychologists
The directors and administrators of these machines, games, casinos, etc. hired a large number of mathematicians and psychologists who spend the whole week designing new ways how to pull dollars out of your wallet, while making you believe that you could win. It’s mean but psychologists devise the games in such a way that you feel triggered to come up with your own assumptions on how you could win against them.
The motives of a typical gambler
The majority of gamblers don’t even play in order to win but for a number of other motives. Normally, as the addiction progresses, compulsive gamblers don’t even want their prizes to be paid out, but continue playing as long as there is money available – they play for the sake of playing, for the purpose of dealing with feelings such as anger, stress, loneliness, in order to break away from the real world.
However, numerous gamblers (particularly when they start playing “professionally”) are convinced that ways how to win against the system really exist. For sure, occasionally they are lucky and they win – but if you’re a gambler you will keep on gambling and sooner or later the rules made up and thoroughly checked by mathematicians and psychologists will invariably beat you, i.e. you will definitely lose, usually with the result of financial bankruptcy and debt.
Winning as a trigger for a gambling career
Compulsive gamblers sometimes forget that the reason why they became gamblers is that they won some money at the start, that they were lucky in the first few games. If they hadn’t won in the beginning, they wouldn’t have felt the endorphins of making money and of being a star for a short time. They wouldn’t have experienced that gambling can help them chase away bad feelings, forget about the world for a while and feel better for a few hours.
If they had lost in the beginning, they wouldn’t have started a career of losing control. They would have considered gambling yet another experience of losing and feeling bad and they would have tried different activities (or drugs).
How online casinos cheat you
Many online casino sites are very dishonest in making use of all of this and the number of such sites is rising every year. Gamblers are cheated upon by many of them. At first, players often win because mathematicians apply a number of different algorithms – invisible to the players – so that the owners / managers of these games lose and the people out there in front of the laptop win.
In most cases this happens with virtual money, but occasionally even with real dollars. For an online casino, this is a very efficient and controlled investment in which to attract a player as a potential future gambler. Once they are in and play with real money through their credit cards, the real procedures and algorithms are applied and the players use to lose.
Moreover, many online casinos have regulations that prevent the pay out of prizes during the first two days. They are fully aware that most gamblers cannot resist two days and will use that virtual prize to keep on gambling – and usually lose.
‘Almost won’ is the same as ‘lost’
Gamblers sometimes overestimate their intellectual capabilities and online gambling casinos manipulate them in such a way that they are led to believe exactly this! “almost-won” is still the same as “lost” and in the next game the same algorithms are in place. Having almost won does not mean that the likelihood of winning is higher in the next games.
And after five times black the likelihood for a sixth black is still as big as for a red. Gamblers and players in general shouldn’t forget that their opponents are a number of well-paid mathematicians and psychologists whose job it is to keep on devising new ways how to get the gamblers’ money.
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By Frank Lavario
I am Frank Lavario, one of the counselor of the Lavario internet programs to help addicts. I lived and worked in the U.S., Europe and South America and collaborate with psychologists and counselors to help addicts from around the world break free from their problems .